The Judiciary Committee of the Senate contacts Christine Blasey Ford's friend about the party


CNN learned that the committee had contacted a long-time Ford friend named Leland Ingham Keyser.

"I understand that you have been identified as someone attending a party that took place around 1982 and is described in a recent Washington Post article," a committee member wrote earlier this week.

On Saturday night, his lawyer, Howard Walsh, issued a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"Simply stated," said Walsh, "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she does not remember ever having attended a party or rally where he was present, with or without Dr. Ford."

The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser was a longtime friend of Ford.

Ford's lawyer, Debra Katz, said in response to Keys' attorney's statement that it made sense that Keyser does not remember it because Ford said that She did not share her allegations "publicly or with anyone for years".

"It's not surprising that Ms. Keyser does not remember the evening because she did not discuss it," Katz said in a statement. "It is also commonplace for Ms. Keyser not to remember attending a specific rally 30 years ago during which nothing serious happened to her – of course, Dr. Ford will never forget this gathering because of what happened to him. "

Keyser is the last person presumed to be at the party to say that she does not remember it.

White House spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said, "A week ago, Dr. Christine Ford claimed to have been assaulted at a house party attended by four other people. any knowledge of the incident or even having attended such a party ".

Kavanaugh vehemently denied the allegations, telling sources that he was "stunned" when he learned from them.

"This is a totally and totally false allegation," he said after Ford's advance. "I have never done anything similar to what the accuser describes – to her or to anyone."

In addition, two others issued statements.

"I have no recollection of this alleged incident," said Mark Judge in a letter sent on September 18 to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He stated that he did not remember the party and had never seen Brett Kavanaugh act on the record described by Ford.

In addition, Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement. "I understand that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has identified me as the person she remembers as being" PJ "who was supposed to be present at the party that she described in her statements to the Washington Post "said Mr. Smyth. Committee. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the part in question, I have no knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct that I have. she brought against Brett Kavanaugh. "

"Personally, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him as a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed Brett Kavanaugh's misconduct against women." I respectfully request the Committee to accept this statement in response to any inquiries the Committee may have. "

Clare Foran from CNN contributed to this report.

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