The Keto Diet can refine your wallet more than your size


It's the hottest diet right now: the Keto Diet with low carbs. If you do not know it, it's a kind of updated Atkins diet, high in fats and carbohydrates. US News recently ranked the 39th best diet in the country.

Celebrities are everywhere and instagrantly how much weight they have lost.

But as with any diet, could you waste your money? If you are not careful, critics say that the Keto diet can refine your waistline and your wallet.

Here are some of the reasons why it can be expensive:

  • The steak, key element: $ 30 for two people, even cooked at home.
  • Salad bar: $ 5 or more at night.
  • Virgin olive oil highly recommended: $ 10 a small bottle, which you can drink in a week.
  • Meals: Most frozen meals prepared by Keto are between $ 7 and $ 9 (per person per meal), almost double the cost of lean cooking.

Do Keto on a budget

We are not discussing whether the scheme works because it is a segment of money. But the website says that you can do it on a budget.

Among his suggestions:

  • Buy some meat in bulk and freeze it.
  • Stick to cheap vegetables like lettuce, broccoli and spinach.
  • Buy chicken and eggs, much cheaper than a steak.
  • Try canola oil: it's similar to olive but a quarter of the cost.
  • And look for supplements before buying them.

This brings us to one last warning about prices: the high cost of some Keto supplements, often called exogenous ketones.

Some promise that they will automatically burn your fat in fuel. Others say that they will suppress your appetite without special food.

But they can cost $ 60 a bottle, which could make you think "It does not stink."

Read the reviews or, better yet, talk to your doctor before making supplements a key part of your Keto diet.

Conclusion: The Keto diet, like the Atkins diet, can work for you.

But if you rely on prepared meals and supplements, it can be very expensive. So be careful … and do not waste your money.


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