The Koch network announces a new super PAC before the midterms


Donor network officials lined up with Charles Koch have not said how much the super PAC aims to increase and spend, but the network has announced that it plans to spend up to $ 400 million for political issues and political campaigns during the 2018 cycle. (Patrick T. Fallon / For the Washington Post)

The donor network aligned with billionaire industrialist Charles Koch on Monday launched a new super PAC, broadening its electoral power ahead of the mid-term elections.

Thanks to the new super PAC action, Americans for Prosperity Action, the political arm of the network will be able to collect and spend unlimited sums of money to call on voters to elect or defeat specific candidates – as long as they do not coordinate with countrisides.

The super PAC will serve as an affiliate of Americans for Prosperity, a non-profit organization supported by Koch, which leads the network's core operation in 36 states. As a nonprofit social assistance, this group faces some restrictions on its political activity, unlike a super PAC.

"Americans for Prosperity has been a decisive factor in supporting political champions in tight races, and AFP Action is a new tool that will allow us to extend these efforts and have an even greater impact," said Bill Riggs, spokesman for Super PAC.

Koch officials have not clarified how much the super PAC is aiming to increase and spend, but the network has previously announced that it planned to spend up to $ 400 million for political and financial matters. political campaigns during the 2018 cycle.

At a donor retreat this summer, network officials said they were more carefully evaluating candidates to support in the mid-term elections, with the growing frustration of the Trump Party and Republican Party leaders.

Network officials said Monday they had launched the super PAC to help elect presidential candidates who will support the network's free market policy priorities. The new entity will partner with other super network PACs to advocate for candidates directly aligned with the network's political priorities to expand its influence in Washington.

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