Mark Dantonio is proud of his team's competitiveness and competitiveness, but believes the 9-6 loss to Nebraska, the defeat, is due to Nebraska's 9-6 defeat on November 17, 2018 .
Chris Solari, Detroit Free Press

LINCOLN, Neb. – All Michigan State fans wanted to come true.

Rocky Lombardi started. He knew Monday that he would replace Brian Lewerke, injured on one shoulder.

Immediately, the offensive moved the ball and devoured the countdown. The first training of the Spartans, which ended in a goal, could be considered a success.

It was a deep expiration. Followed by a slow and steady return of tension.

At half-time, it was obvious: it was not just about who played the quarter.

In the third quarter, it became clear: the first 7-point team would win.

In the fourth quarter, it became painful: the receivers continued to drop their passes in the wind when the snow began to fall, even if the quarterback refused to recognize missteps.

And by the final horn, this has become reality: MSU remains a team stuck in the rehearsal.

A dominant defense that can stop anyone in the country. And an offense that is one of the worst of college football.

Nebraska (4-7, 3-5 Big Ten) scored three goals in the last 11 minutes of the game as the Spartans offensive hibernated. in a 9-6 loss Saturday at the Memorial Stadium.

"It's tough," said Lombardi, who scored 15 of 41 points for 146 yards with an expensive interception and fumble. "It's hard to pinpoint exactly what happened. … At the end of the day, you have to find a way to do it. It's as simple as that. "

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MSU (6-5, 4-4) did not score a goal for the second consecutive game and did not score in the last 131 minutes of football.

The Spartans played football in an unruly manner, with seven penalties for 87 yards. Five of them had 15 yards, one from Matt Doston cost them the back for a missed second-quarter pitch and one from Shakur Brown, which allowed the Huskers to score for the first time in the fourth period.

"I keep telling our players – because what do you say sometimes – the difference between winning and losing is so small that you can really, really, cut it with a knife sometimes. I mean, it's so small, "said MSU coach Mark Dantonio. "It's also the difference between joy and frustration, and there's enough for everyone."

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The Spartans again returned the ball into their own territory, when Lombardi was sacked and escaped the free blitz Antonio Nebraska, the Nebraska security guard. That led goalkeeper Barret Pickering to tie in 8:07.

This was followed by a three-point possession, with a run of one meter from the "Darius Jefferson" and two Lombardi failures. One of them was on the second fall of the Dotson game, after he left another in the back of the end zone in the last race of MSU at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

"I had the impression that if I had to report a thing in football, you have to watch the passes released," Dantonio said. "I thought Lombardi played very well. You must make decisions about what you are running – you can not handle everything. "

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Nebraska picked up the baton following William Przystup's match. Half-rookie Adrian Martinez, who was sealed off by the Spartans defense most of the afternoon, scored his offense just 23 yards, allowing Pickering to send a 47-meter forward with the wind. the back to give the Huskers their head.

Dantonio made the decision to abandon a racing game that produced a solid 143 yards rushing and allowed Lombardi to post it.

After hitting Connor Heyward for 34 yards to return to Nebraska territory, he watched two more drops – of Cody White and Matt Sokol – slowing the mark to 41 of the Huskers. White's goal, said Dantonio, had great playing potential.

Lombardi said, trying to protect his passkey, "I have not seen any gout."

Dantonio opted for trickery and defense, just like MSU to thwart Penn State. The Spartans forced a quick three goals and more, using two saves, and recovered the ball 38 minutes to 3:52 of the end. This gave Lombardi, who led them against Purdue at his only other start, a chance to be the hero.

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He ran 33 yards in Nebraska 29, with the only game in play in his 8-yard draw to convert a third duel near the middle of the field. MSU also got help for a penalty for pass interference.

On the third run, Lombardi shot Laress Nelson on a clear shot. Another drop.

On the fourth descent, he passed a pass to Sokol in the right seam. He was broken.

Nebraska took over and took a knee. As the Ohio State did a week ago, when the MSU offensive failed.

"I think if there is a level of frustration, it will also come from the head coach," Dantonio said. "So, yes, I'm frustrated with the points. But the call to play has gone well. We must execute. There is a factor of execution that is involved here.

"Now part of the weather, part of Nebraska) is playing and playing with the ball, so some of us are, so you have to be able to solve this problem and look at it and say: & # 39; OK, what is the underlying factor here? "But you have to score points."

The Spartans have entered the season with the hope of fighting for the title of the Big Ten. Instead, they settled in mediocrity amid a series of injuries and inconsistencies in the offense.

Dantonio will not commit to the quarterback next Saturday at home against Rutgers (4 pm / Fox), claiming that Lewerke could have played against Nebraska in case of Lombardi's injury.

The MSU's senior day remains a regular season game – an opportunity to celebrate the veterans' career, but another time for young Spartan players to understand the problems on the offensive. Whoever Dantonio decides to follow at the quarterback will have bigger problems than keeping his job.

And finding a rhythm of one of them could determine the player who will play the bowl, if Lewerke is healthy enough to play. As much from the point of view of leadership as the search for greater production.

"We have to send them on the right note at Spartan Stadium. We have to give them that win, "said linebacker Joe Bachie. "Rutgers will come ready, and it should be a game we should win. We said it all year round, but we could not win some of those games.

"We just have to get back to work on Monday."

Contact Chris Solari: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @chrissolari. Download our Spartans Xtra app for free on Apple and Android devices!