The Lancet Commission declares that the crisis of "monumental suffering" is global


Suicides and deaths related to opioids are at unprecedented levels, while treatment and intervention are too low.

In light of National Mental Illness Awareness Week, which runs from October 7 to 13, and World Mental Health Day on October 10, guardian reported Tuesday that the Lancet Commission had published a study indicating that the entire world appeared to be in a mental health crisis. Suicide and death rates from addictions are high worldwide and they do not receive the individualized mental health treatment they need. Instead, deaths are attributed to means external to mental illness, such as "accidents" and uninformed use of drugs.

The Lancet Commission is a gathering of 28 experts from around the world gathered to study the state of mental health and its care around the world, says the Guardian. Now, the Lancet Commission has determined a "collective failure to respond to this global health crisis." The report indicates that, despite growing studies and knowledge in the area of ​​mental health, treatment options are still insignificant compared to those of physical health treatment. .

"The quality of mental health services is consistently worse than that of physical health services," says the Lancet report.

The Lancet Commission says governments are not doing enough to solve mental health problems. It's a global problem that leaves no country indifferent, guardian said. The report recommends that governments invest more in mental health care. Lancet says 13.5 million people could be saved each year around the world if the underlying causes of these deaths were related to mental health.

"Public investment and development assistance for mental health remains pitifully modest," said the Lancet Commission.

Now let's see how the United States manages mental health care. In February, Mental Health America (MHA) explained how changes to President Trump's budget would affect mental health care. It was after Trump had promised to improve the treatment of mental health care in response to a shooting in a school. While Trump's budget amendments provided for the introduction of new funds in some aspects of mental health care, they also included the removal of large funds that were very important to mental health care.

While the budget includes $ 15 million for dynamic new community-based treatment for people with serious mental illness, it also reduces funding for substance abuse and mental health programs by approximately $ 600 million. In a world now referred to as a "mental health crisis", the $ 600 million reduction in funding appears to be the opposite of that advocated by the Lancet Commission. Another addition to the budget includes a $ 10 million allocation over five years to address serious mental illness and opioid addiction.

The Trump budget changes have increased dependency on the criminal justice system while reducing funding for mental health and addiction programs.

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