The last class of Oscar voters is almost half of the women


LOS ANGELES – The Academy of Arts and Science of Cinema continues to expand its doors trying to end its days as an exclusive club primarily for white men.

The 91-year-old academy said Monday that it would increase the number of votes for the Oscars to about 9,300 people, a new record, by inviting 928 film industry professionals to become members. Last year, the academy sent invitations to 774 people. Just ten years ago, the organization limited invitations to 115 people a year, arguing that small classes kept the professional caliber of members high.

According to the Academy's count, about 49 percent of the people invited this year are women, including stars like Jada Pinkett Smith, Amy Schumer, Ann Dowd, Sarah Silverman, Christine Baranski, and Tiffany Haddish. About 30 percent are minorities, including filmmakers like Hong Sang-soo ("On the beach at night alone") and Nanfu Wang ("Hooligan Sparrow"). Dave Chappelle, J. Rowling, Audra McDonald and two nominees for Best Actor this year, Daniel Kaluuya and Timothée Chalamet were also invited.

About 41 percent of the 33 people invited to the filmmakers branch are women, which is not insignificant given the lack of opportunities for Hollywood filmmakers, where 85 percent of filmmakers are men, according to Annenberg University. Communication and journalism.

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