The last man to walk on lunar data of the moon, says no evidence that humans are responsible for climate change


Harrison Schmitt

The young Harrison Schmitt inside lunar module on the moon's surface after the last Apollo 17 moonwalkWikimedia

The last man, to this day, to walk on the surface of the moon does not believe that humans are responsible for climate change. Former NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who might have seen our planet from space, said he did not think global climate change would be caused by human actions.

The geologist Harrison Schmitt flew to the moon in 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission, which was the last manned mission on the lunar surface. Schmitt, the last living person to have visited the lunar surface, recently said that he did not believe that humans had caused climate change, despite the considerable amount of scientific evidence that proves it.

Schmitt recently participated in the 2018 Science Writers Conference in Washington, DC. He participated in a panel on the past, present and future of the American space program, entitled "Apollo Plus 50". Following the panel, a journalist from the New York TimesNicholas St. Fleur asked Schmitt about his strong views on man-made climate change, his denials being well documented.

Schmitt quickly replied that he had seen "no evidence" to prove the fact that human actions were causing global warming. He also added that climate change was not happening as quickly as reports show, astrophysicist Adam Becker, present in the audience, posted in a Twitter feed.

Apparently, Schmitt is well known for denying scientifically proven facts about climate change. In 2011, Discover Magazine had stated that "it was a denier of climate change" and that it "was using obviously wrong information to support its arguments".

In another example, in a 2013 Wall Street Journal article, which Schmitt co-authored with American physicist William Happer, he said that rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are really good for the world , in the interest of humanity. . The name of the article, unsurprisingly, was "Harrison H. Schmitt and William Happer: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide".

In the recent question and answer recording, Schmitt explained that the Earth had already witnessed climate change. therefore "the only question is:" Is there any evidence that human beings are causing this change? " As soon as Schmitt uttered these words, the audience responded with a powerful and chorus "Yes!" However, this did not seem to distract Mr. Schmitt, who went on to say that in his profession, geology, he found no evidence that humans influence the climate.

There are only models and models are "often wrong", he added. Betsy Mason, an audience geologist, did not fully understand the statement and immediately cut it, saying that Schmitt "should reconsider the idea of ​​talking to all geologists on this topic". Mason is also a writer for National Geographic.

It is significant to note that the Geological Society of London concluded in a statement published in 2010 that humans were the very cause of the rapid rise of climate change. Society members also wrote an addendum to the 2013 statement explaining that the data show that "CO2 is a major modifier of the climate system and that human activities are responsible for recent warming".

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