The last: the assistant of the Polish president says that the judge must retire


WARSAW, Poland – Latest news on the overhaul of the Polish judicial system (all local): [19659006]

An assistant to Polish President Andrzej Duda says that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has no choice but to retire, even though she says that her term runs as long as she can. 2020 under the Constitution of Poland

. The first President of the Court, Malgorzata Gersdorf, intervenes as a new law comes into force that will bring back the age of mandatory retirement for judges from 70 to 65 years, forcing more than a third .

Presidential adviser Pawel Mucha told reporters on Tuesday that Gersdorf's retreat was the result of "the force of law".

Judges who reached the retirement age did not want to resign. Gersdorf, 65, did not do so, arguing that the Constitution set out the length of her term

Mucha claims that the Chief Justice's omission to apply for a prevents staying on the bench

. 2:10 pm

The Chief of the Supreme Court of Poland has pledged to resist the measures taken by the government to expel him from the post under a new pension regulation that she has qualified of "purge".

Malgorzata Gersdorf insisted on Tuesday short term until 2020, as guaranteed by the constitution. Yet, she expects President Andrzej Duda to tell her to go later in the day

A new law passed by the right-wing ruling party forces Gersdorf and many other judges of the Supreme Court aged 65 and over retire from Wednesday

The law was condemned by the European Union, which opened sanctions procedures that could deprive Poland of its rights to vote. The government insists that it improves the Polish judicial system

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