The last: The McConnell team tweets Gorsuch photo after the decision


WASHINGTON – The latest Supreme Court ruling upholding the travel ban imposed by President Donald Trump (all local):

3:25 p.m.

The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, takes a turn for the victory after the Supreme Court decision on President Donald Trump's travel ban, publishing a photo with the conservative Supreme Court judge that 39 he helped put on the bench.

McConnell prevented President Barack Obama from filling a post after the death of Judge Antonin Scalia in 2016. McConnell refused to act on Obama's appointment of Merrick Garland, and the seat was left vacant for a year until 39, that Trump names Neil Gorsuch.

Gorsuch was in the 5-4 majority who confirmed Trump's travel ban on Tuesday.

McConnell told reporters that he was happy with the court's ruling on the ban, even though he's already warned against the idea. McConnell says it's a decision with which he is "comfortable," even though he "did not care about previous versions."

McConnell's "Team Mitch" campaign team tweeted the photo of him with Gorsuch after the decision.


1:15 p.m.

Major Republicans welcome the Supreme Court ruling upholding President Donald Trump's travel ban to visitors mainly from Muslim countries. They say it will help stop terrorism.

Republican Steve Scalise of Louisiana, ranked third, calls the "great victory" of Trump's plan to strengthen national security "by preventing terrorists from leaving America."

Scalise says the decision shows that it's squarely in the president's authority "despite false allegations in the media and the left."

Another senior Republican, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, an ally of Trump, said that the court rightly maintained what he called a "common sense" practice of allowing the Congress to delegate authority to the president. He said the president can regulate the entry of people to the United States, "especially from war-torn countries or well-known state sponsors of terrorism."



Democratic leaders in Congress are united against the Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Donald Trump's travel ban to visitors from Muslim-majority countries.

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer of New York says Trump's ban on travel "does not make us safer, and the Supreme Court's decision does not do justice."

He called it a "backward, non-American policy" that fails to improve national security.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California has called the court's ruling "dangerous" and says it undermines American values ​​and the Constitution.

Pelosi says Democrats will push policies that are "strong and intelligent, not reckless, reckless and damaging."

A Democrat, Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, has proposed legislation to block funding for the implementation of the ban.



President Donald Trump says the Supreme Court's decision to ban travel from several predominantly Muslim countries is a great victory for the US Constitution.

Trump told reporters at the White House at a meeting with Republican members of the House and Senate that the decision marks a huge success.

He says the authorities need to know who is entering the country and that attacks by the media and Democrats against his radical immigration policies are false

He also says that he plans to request more funding for his promised border wall and that he will discuss the issue with lawmakers on Tuesday.



According to Republican No. 2 Senate, political opponents are distorting the Supreme Court's ruling upholding President Donald Trump's travel ban. Senator John Cornyn of Texas says that despite the statements of some Democrats, "it is not a Muslim ban."

Asked if Trump was trying to restrict the entry of Muslims or other religious groups in the United States, Cornyn said, "I think he's trying to keep the country safe."



Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, says the Supreme Court's decision upholding the Trump administration's travel ban gives "legitimacy to discrimination and to Islamophobia".

The Democrat from Minnesota says, "This decision will serve one day as a mark of shame."

Ellison compared decision 5-4 in favor of the decision to ban travel to infamous decisions in the history of the court, including one that allowed Japanese internment camps during World War II. world and another which codified the separation of the sexes.

Earlier this month, Ellison announced that he was leaving Congress to run for the position of Attorney General of Minnesota.



President Donald Trump welcomes the Supreme Court's decision upholding the travel ban imposed by his administration as "a moment of profound justification".

In a statement issued by the White House, Trump hailed decision 5-4 as "a tremendous victory for the American people and the Constitution".

The Supreme Court rejected a claim that the policy discriminated against Muslims or exceeded Trump's authority. Trump said the decision follows "months of hysterical media comment and Democratic politicians who refuse to do what it takes to secure our border and our country."

Trump says that as long as he is president, he will "defend the sovereignty, security and safety of the American people, and fight for an immigration system that serves the national interests of the United States and its citizens. citizens.

Decision 5-4 is the court's first substantive decision on a Trump administration policy.


11:30 am

Democratic Senator Cory Booker is disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling upholding President Donald Trump's travel ban, but believes the ban itself is inferior to what the president originally wanted to do – which, according to Booker, would be tantamount to banning Muslims from entering the United States.

Booker, of New Jersey, said Trump has "tried several times" to impose a religious test upon entry into the country, "and his efforts have been diluted by the judicial system."

Booker, who has just returned from the southern border with Mexico, has decried the separation policy of migrant families recently abandoned by Trump. He said the United States needed to recover their values: "We are a good nation, we are a good people, and we should set a standard on this planet of what humanity should be."



Democratic Senator Chris Coons says the Supreme Court's decision that Donald Trump's travel ban is constitutional "does not mean it's right, that it's justified or that it's". 39, it reflects the values ​​of America.

Coons, of Delaware, is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He says he will introduce legislation to make it clear that the United States does not tolerate discrimination based on religion or nationality.

Coons says Trump's travel ban "is not only discriminatory and counterproductive, it directly contrasts with the principles enshrined in our Constitution and the vision of our founders of a nation where all people are free to live. The decision of the court shows that we have a long way to go before we live up to our highest ideals. "



President Donald Trump tweets "Wow!" After the Supreme Court upheld its ban on traveling from several predominantly Muslim countries.

Trump tweeted on Tuesday: "THE SUPREME COURT FULFILLS THE TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Sensational!"

The court rejected a challenge that the ban discriminated against Muslims or exceeded Trump's authority. Decision 5-4 is the court's first substantive decision on a Trump administration policy.

Roberts wrote that presidents have significant power to regulate immigration. He also rejected the claim of challengers of anti-Muslim prejudices.



The Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump's ban on traveling from several predominantly Muslim countries, rejecting the fact that he was discriminating against Muslims or that he was exceeding his authority.

The 5-4 decision Tuesday is the court's first substantive decision on a Trump administration policy.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion, joined by his four conservative colleagues.

Roberts wrote that presidents have significant power to regulate immigration.

The court may have signaled its possible approval in December, when the judges allowed the policy to take full effect, even though the lawsuit was continuing and the lower courts had dismissed it.

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