The Latest: Greek minister denies claims on migrants' funds


ROME – The latest news on the migrant crisis in Europe (local time):


The Greek Defense Minister denies the newspaper's allegations that his ministry has mismanaged European Union funds to improve the living conditions of migrants trapped in the country.

Panos Kammenos says the ministry has used about 90 million euros ($ 106 million) of EU funds, in full transparency.

Three journalists from the Greek daily Fileleftheros were arrested by police this weekend after Kammenos complained of being slandered by newspaper articles on fund management.

They were released Sunday and a prosecutor decided not to impose immediate charges against them.

Greece has received 1.6 billion euros (1.9 billion dollars) of European funds to deal with the crisis of immigration. But the living conditions of about 20,000 migrants in the Aegean island camps remain overcrowded and unhealthy, prompting repeated criticism from human rights groups.



The French government spokesman said the country was seeking a solution with other EU members after humanitarian groups operating a relief vessel with 58 migrants on board want to be allowed to land in the French port of Marseille .

Benjamin Griveaux tweeted that the solution would come from "cooperation with our European partners".

He said that "humanity must land the ship in the nearest and safest port".

The French government has repeatedly stated that under international law, rescue vessels rescuing people at sea must dock in the nearest port.

Aquarius 2, operated by SOS Mediterranean and Médecins Sans Frontières, is the last private rescue vessel operating in waters off Libya.

The Panamanian Maritime Authority has declared that it has initiated proceedings to withdraw the registration of Aquarius 2 after Italy complained that the boat's captain had not followed the return orders of the rescued migrants in Libya. .


6:20 p.m.

Croatian police are looking for a five-year-old Syrian girl after her father made a moving appeal to ask for help.

Police said they officially opened an investigation after meeting the 43-year-old man on Monday at the Bosnian border.

The case attracted public attention in the country of the European Union after the man claimed that he had been separated from his daughter ten days ago when the police brought him back to a home. Croatian village and sent him back to Bosnia. His child stayed with other refugees.

In the past, Croatian police have been accused of repression and violence against migrants, which they have denied.

Police said Monday that the man had requested asylum in Croatia.



Slovenian police said they have caught more than 100 migrants trying to illegally enter the country of the European Union last weekend.

Police said the migrants were trying to enter Slovenia from Croatia, both in the west and southeast of the country.

The migrants came from various countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The police said 26 of them have been returned to Croatia so far, while several dozen have applied for asylum in Slovenia.

Migrants come to Slovenia while they are trying to reach Western Europe across the Balkans. Hundreds of thousands of people crossed the country in 2015.


3:50 p.m.

Humanitarian groups that operate the only private rescue boat operating near the deadly road in the central Mediterranean are urging European countries to intervene to secure their future after Panama has decided to cancel the registration of the ship.

Médecins Sans Frontières and SOS Mediterranean have described the decision of the Panama Maritime Authority to remove the flag of the ship as shameful.

Francis Vallat, head of SOS Mediterranee France, asked European countries Monday at a press conference "to find a solution, whatever it is. We can not stop. We do not want to stop. We will yield only to force and compulsion.

The Panamanian Maritime Authority said over the weekend that it had started proceedings to remove the registration of Aquarius 2 after Italy complained that the boat's captain had failed to comply with the orders.


3:25 p.m.

The Italian populist government makes it more difficult for migrants to approve of humanitarian protection.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini told reporters that the government, at a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Monday, had approved a decree setting stricter criteria for such protection, granting a status inferior to the complete asylum.

Humanitarian protection will only be granted to victims of labor exploitation, trafficking in human beings, domestic violence, natural disasters or those requiring medical care, as well as those who carry out "Acts of particular civic value".

He said that asylum assessments would be suspended for those deemed "socially dangerous" or sentenced for crimes, even before the appeals are over. Salvini insisted: "We do not infringe any fundamental right".

The decree also provides for a reduction of daily pocket money for asylum seekers.



The Open Society Foundations, created by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, claims to have submitted to the European Court of Human Rights and the Hungarian Constitutional Court recent petitions against groups of citizens working with refugees and asylum seekers. 'asylum.

James Goldston, director of the Open Society Justice Initiative, the legal team of the foundations, told the Associated Press on Monday that the lawsuit was aimed at countering laws "aimed at intimidating and silencing independent voices. Hungary".

The "Stop Soros" law, passed in June, threatens to incarcerate people who help asylum seekers for up to a year. In July, Hungarian legislators approved a 25% tax on financial or material support for migrant groups.

The OSF supports some of the civic groups targeted by the tough anti-immigration policies of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

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