The latest on the SC rally of President Donald Trump in Colombia


8:10 p.m.

Henry McMaster spoke briefly, telling the crowd that they were watching "the wind and the storm and the rain, then the plane landed and the real force of nature came out.

Trump goes on to say that he was in the plane to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore when he saw the Sanford-Arrington run on television, and asked his team's He had enough time left to tweet his approval.

He was not sure if there was enough time to tell the difference, but "I do not like this guy, I'm getting mad," said Trump while referring in Sanford.

8:09 p.m.

Trump said that other candidates have supported him "after the defeat of nine other people". But Henry McMaster was with him "from the beginning".

Referring to the storms, Trump said, "I've never made a longer trip, ever, to South Carolina."

8:07 p.m.

President Trump said he was sending "all our love" to Katie Arrington, the 1st District congressional candidate who was injured in a car accident over the weekend.

"We pray for your very quick recovery," said Trump. "She will be back soon."

Not to mention his name, Trump also talked about Rep Sanford, who was beaten by Arrington two weeks ago. Trump said that Arrington defeated someone "I have never really liked".

"The Appalachian Trail must be a beautiful place, unfortunately it has never been there."

Trump also recognized Senator Lindsey Graham, his only opponent in the 2016 GOP presidential primary.

"We went, he said," I'm going to defeat him in South Carolina, "but he's become a good friend. "

Trump also gave a nod to representatives Joe Wilson and Tom Rice, as well as Attorney General Alan Wilson, who is also facing a primary on Tuesday. "He looks good," said Trump of Alan Wilson.

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7:43 p.m.

The crowd at Trump's rally at the airport high school has just been told the president has now landed. Should arrive on the site soon.

7:10 p.m.

The storm delayed the start of President Donald Trump's Columbia rally on Monday.

Trump was scheduled to arrive at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport around 6:40 pm. Monday for a rally in Cayce's Airport High School for a campaign rally supporting Governor Henry McMaster.

But the rally, just a few hours before the GOP's second round of trail between McMaster and businessman John Warren, was delayed as Air Force One circled the airport to avoid bad weather. A White House reporter aboard the presidential plane estimated that the flight had flown around the airport for about 30 minutes at 19:15.

Earlier on Monday, Trump tweeted that he was heading to "one of my favorite places, South Carolina, to fight for one of my" fighters ", Governor Henry McMaster .

The president does not travel alone. Senator Lindsey Graham is traveling with the President of Washington to take part in the rally, Sen. Sen. South Carolina said on Twitter.

On the ground, a hundred people were waiting until 11 o'clock outside the airport to have good seats to see the president, even if the outside temperatures approached the three figures and that the area was exposed to thunderstorms.

The high school gymnasium would quickly fill up after the doors opened after 3:30 pm and at 4:45 pm the audience was directed to overflow seats.

Several South Korean elected officials spoke before the arrival of the President, including Joe Wilson of Springdale and Tom Rice of Myrtle Beach, Warrant Officer General Bob Livingston, Commissioner for Agriculture Hugh Weathers and Pamela Evette, McMaster Fellow for the position of Lieutenant Governor.

Outside, there were confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters before the rally began.

Elsewhere, hundreds of law enforcement and security officials would be deployed to support the president's visit. People entering the airport's high school will be checked and checked for any weapon.

Elsewhere, all buildings and structures along Trump's (undisclosed) motorcade route will have been checked, along with all underground tunnels or manholes en route.

Traffic in the area will be affected by the president's trip.

The president will speak to the crowd at 7 pm to encourage voters to support McMaster 's candidacy for the GOP nomination in Tuesday' s second round against Greenville 's businessman, John Warren.

Warren spent Monday doing ranting across the state, trying to downplay the importance of the president's visit.

"This is not a referendum on President Trump," Warren said Monday during a campaign in Colombia. "This is a referendum on the unelected and unelected leadership of Henry McMaster."

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