The Latest: Trump holds a press conference on Wednesday


UNITED NATIONS – Latest news on the presence of President Donald Trump at the United States General Assembly (local time):

1:20 p.m.

President Donald Trump will hold a press conference this week to discuss his participation in the US General Assembly and "News of the Day."

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted Tuesday that the press conference will be held Wednesday at 5 pm At New York.

Trump will answer questions from reporters on the eve of a potentially important day in Washington.

Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who accused him of sexually assaulting her as teenagers, are due to tell their story to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Kavanaugh denies Ford's allegation, as well as a separate sexual misconduct complaint filed by a Yale classmate.

Trump also plans to meet on Thursday at the White House with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the investigation in Russia. In 2017, Rosenstein reportedly discussed the secret registration of the president and possibly recourse to the constitutional procedure to remove him from office.



President Donald Trump says the political and economic chaos in Venezuela is unacceptable. But he avoids commenting on whether the United States would ever intervene in the country of South America.

Trump notes that the country, once one of the richest countries in the hemisphere, is in decline. Venezuela's inflation and homicide rates are among the highest in the world and more than 2 million people have fled violence and conflict in recent years.

The Trump administration on Tuesday imposed financial sanctions on four members of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's inner circle, including his wife and the country's vice president, over allegations of corruption.

Trump intervened during his participation in the United States General Assembly after meeting with Colombian President Ivan Duque (DOO-kay).



President Donald Trump says Iran will eventually want to negotiate an agreement with him because the country is basically "failing".

Trump says that "everything about Iran is failing right now." He described his inflation as the worst in the world and his currency as a "disaster".

He says Iranian leaders will "at some point" speak or risk "the worst economic problems of any country in the world".

Trump commented on Iran's meeting with the president of Colombia in New York on Tuesday.

Trump said in a speech Tuesday in the United States that the United States had launched an "economic pressure" campaign against Iran over nuclear ambitions and behavior in the region.

Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani are both present at the US session, but do not intend to meet.



President Donald Trump's address to the United States General Assembly has drawn blank looks, head shots and even laughter from mistrustful world leaders.

The group of world leaders scoffed at its opening line on Tuesday as it boasted about the success of its administration.

Trump appeared briefly troubled before noticing that it was not the reaction he was expecting.

Trump has long claimed that the weak leadership of his predecessors had prompted other nations to "laugh" in the United States.

Some in the audience also lamented Trump's remarks when he said "we reject the ideology" of globalism and criticized countries like Germany for accepting an oil pipeline with Russia.

When Trump criticized socialism, a member of the Swedish delegation disapproved.


11:30 am

President Donald Trump said he asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY'-oh) to take a "hard look" at US foreign aid.

Trump said in his speech to the UN General Assembly that the United States is the world's biggest donor of foreign aid "but few give us anything." He asked Pompeo to review the billions of dollars each year.

Trump says the review will look at what works and what does not work and whether countries receiving US assistance "have our interests at heart."

Trump said, "We are only going to give foreign aid to those who respect us and, frankly, we are our friends."



President Donald Trump targets China, saying the United States will no longer tolerate unfair trade agreements that allow countries to dump their products in America, subsidize their products, target American industries, and manipulate foreign currency to earn money. unfair advantages.

Trump told the United States General Assembly Tuesday that "the United States will no longer be put to use." Trump says these days are over and the US "will not tolerate such abuse anymore".

Trump advanced Monday with a rise in taxes on Chinese imports of $ 200 billion. Beijing has responded by imposing penalties to $ 60 billion of US products.

Trump says he has a lot of respect for China's leader, but the trade imbalance between the US and Beijing "can not be tolerated."



President Donald Trump is calling on the nations of the world to join the United States in isolating Iran from what he sees as aggressive behavior.

Trump said in a speech to the United States General Assembly on Tuesday that he had launched a campaign of "economic pressure" to deprive Iran of the money it needed to make "a bloody program" of havoc. in Syria and Yemen.

Trump notes the withdrawal of the United States this year from a nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers and the reinstatement of US economic sanctions.

Trump says that Iran does not respect its neighbors or their borders. He says that a regime that sings "death in America" ​​and threatens Israel's destruction must not have the means to deliver a nuclear warhead.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (hah-SAHN 'roh-HAH-nee) accuses the United States of adopting a hostile position towards his country.



A year ago, United Nations President Donald Trump described North Korean Kim Jong Un as "Rocket Man", but his message is different this year: thank you.

Trump spoke to the General Assembly on Tuesday and said he appreciated the measures taken by Kim to denuclearize.

Trump notes that "missiles and rockets no longer fly" from North Korea and threaten its neighbors.

Trump met Kim in Singapore in June. The White House is working on planning for a second summit.

Despite Trump's praise, the administration said Pyongyang is slowly committing to the goals set in Singapore.



President Donald Trump asserts American sovereignty and rejects "governance, control and global domination".

Trump told the US General Assembly Tuesday that he honors the right of every nation to pursue its own customs, beliefs and traditions. He says that the United States will never tell other nations how to live, work or worship.

But Trump says the United States expects other countries to "honor American sovereignty in return."



President Donald Trump highlights the progress made by the United States under his leadership as he opens his speech at the United States General Assembly and begins to laugh.

Trump told world leaders that the US economy "explodes like never before" and that its administration has accomplished in less than two years than almost any other government. His pride provoked laughter among the dozens of heads of state and delegates in the audience for the speech.

Trump responded by saying, "I did not expect this reaction, but it's okay."

Trump says the United States is "a stronger, safer, richer country" than in January 2017. "We defend America and the American people and we also defend the world."



President Donald Trump says he will not meet with Iranian leaders "until they change their tone."

Asked when he arrived at UN headquarters on Tuesday, Trump said Iran had acted "very badly." He says the United States is doing "a lot of things" with respect to Iran, including sanctions.

Trump, earlier this year, withdrew the United States from a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers and reinstated economic sanctions.

Trump says he looks forward to having a "good relationship" with Iran but "Iran has to change its tone".

While Trump spoke in sharp terms about current relations with Iran, he spoke enthusiastically about his nascent friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Trump and Kim met in June in Singapore. Trump says, "We are doing very well with North Korea."



President Donald Trump holds the world.

Trump ran a bit late for his speech once a year at the US General Assembly, forcing organizers to change the order of speakers.

Trump was to speak at Tuesday's session, after Brazilian President Michel Temer. Instead, Temer's speech was followed by an embarrassing pause as US officials prepared the podium for the third speaker, Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno Garces, who is in a wheelchair.

Trump's procession arrived during Moreno's speech at the US headquarters in New York. The White House did not immediately explain why Trump was late.

The policies and critics of Trump's allies, "America First," ran up against the multilateral spirit of the US General Assembly.



President Donald Trump says he does not intend to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (hah-SAHN 'roh-HAH-nee) this week despite requests.

The two leaders participate in an annual rally in New York. Trump was not specific in Tuesday's tweet about the origin of the "requests" meeting.

But Rouhani also ruled out meeting, told NBC News on Monday that conditions are not right for negotiations. The Iranian leader accuses the United States of adopting a hostile position towards his country.

Trump removed the United States from a nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers and reinstated economic sanctions against Iran. Trump says in the tweet that "Maybe someday in the future", he and Rouhani will meet.

Trump says, "I'm sure he's an absolutely charming man!"



President Donald Trump returns to the pinnacle of world diplomacy when he addresses the United States General Assembly.

Prior to his Tuesday morning speech, White House advisers described Trump's visit to New York as an opportunity to assert American sovereignty before the multinational organization.

He is expected not to be discouraged by his decisions to engage with the former North Korean pariah, to withdraw the United States from the Iranian nuclear deal and to oppose the aid programs he believes to be contrary to American interests.

On Wednesday, Trump will preside for the first time at a meeting of the US Security Council on the fight against proliferation.

The four-day choreographed foreign relations contrast with domestic political unrest and disorder, highlighted by the controversy over Trump's Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh.

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