The leak of the ISS in Russia: The space agency will announce a leak hole in the ISS


"We can dismiss the idea that it was a technological mistake made by a specialist or otherwise"

Dmitri Rogozin

The country's space agency said on Wednesday that it hoped to announce the origin of the small hole found on a Russian module moored to the ISS, especially if it thought the damage was deliberate.

While the crew, consisting of three American astronauts, two Russians and one German, was never in danger, there was a leak of oxygen.

His cause remains a mystery to the officials.

Dmitry Rogozin, director of the Roscosmos space agency, said earlier that a person could deliberately drill the hole, either during manufacture or in orbit.

Reuters said that Roscosmos and the model maker, RSC Energia, had not responded to several requests for comments.

A spokeswoman for the famous space agency NASA also said it would not comment on the origin of the hole, fearing intrusion into the Russian investigation.

She added, "We are confident that they will identify the cause of the leak."

NASA, however, indicated that it would facilitate the investigation to "assess and ensure the safety of all crew members".

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