The list of Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's baby names is already long, according to the royal couple


It did not take long. According to CNN, Meghan Markle's and Prince Harry's first name lists are so long that they have to make their choice. During their royal visit to Melbourne, Australia, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Thursday borrowed one of the city's famous streetcars, where the children, who accompanied the couple, asked them about names. potential baby.

CNN reports that Charlie Wolf, age 12, asked Harry and Markle what they wanted to call their first child. Wolf said Markle revealed,

"We have received a long list of names from all of us, we will sit down and watch them."

According to E! Ella Burns, age 12, said Markle had chosen a name: "She said that she had not thought of a name because it was still too early."

E! News also reported that after Markle and Harry had talked to a five-year-old girl, Harriet, her mother, Jessica, said about the prince: "As soon as I introduced my daughter to Harry, he said: "It's a very good name. Maybe they'll choose it for their own child, which would be fun. "

There is no doubt that the choice of a name for your child is the subject of much thought. This is a great time and you will of course take your time to choose the right nickname. Since Markle would only have 12 weeks of pregnancy, they still have plenty of time to choose a name.

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On Monday, Markle confirmed her pregnancy in a statement issued by the Kensington Palace, revealing that she and Harry were expecting their first child together in the spring of 2019. "Their Royal Highnesses appreciated all the support they received from people from around the world since their wedding in May and look forward to sharing this good news with the public, "said the palace.

Since the couple announced their exciting news about the baby, they are even more in the honor than before. Of course, most people can not help wondering if they will have a boy or a girl and how they will call their child. Then there are also questions about whether or not their child will have a title and, if so, what title would their son or daughter be awarded. There is certainly a lot to think about, but even more so when a baby is born into the British royal family.

That being said, Markle and Harry seem to be comfortable and happy to become their parents for the first time. In a speech on Tuesday in Australia, Harry mentioned Markle's pregnancy for the first time. He kindly said, "We could not really think of a better place to announce the next baby, whether it's a boy or a girl, so thank you very much."

Knowing that they already think of names, their news is all the more exciting. They will make great parents and bring so much joy to the world with their child. Now, all the fans have to do is wait patiently until Markle gives birth and they announce the royal name of their little one.

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