The longest lunar eclipse of the century will take place in July | Simplemost


The full moon of July will be a beauty once in a century. Not only will it become red when it travels through the Earth's shadow in the night of July 27-28, but this lunar eclipse will be the longest in a hundred years.

The total lunar eclipse, or moon of blood, will last a total of 1 hour and 43 minutes. In contrast, total lunar eclipses generally last about an hour, to take or take

Partial eclipses before and after the total eclipse last 1 hour and 6 minutes each, meaning that the moon will pass 3 hours and 55 minutes at least Part of the shadow of the Earth

Unfortunately for everyone in the United States, we will not be able to see a single minute of the eclipse, total or partial.

This lunar spectacle is reserved for the Eastern Hemisphere – places like Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.

The best seats in the world will probably be in Madagascar and the Middle East, where the eclipse will take place at midnight. To the east and west of these places, people will have to look towards the sky closer to the rising of the moon or the moon, depending on the direction in which you travel. Here is where you can see the eclipse.

So what is the reasoning for such a long period of eclipse? Two things are at stake.

First, the moon passes almost in the center of the Earth's shadow

  The lunar eclipse illuminates the sky of New Zealand
Getty Images | Phil Walter

Second, the moon is at its lunar climax, or farthest point of the Earth, which makes it look much smaller – think the opposite of a supermoon.

These two things combined come closer towards the end This last clarification needs to be made because the longest total lunar eclipse of the previous century lasted four more minutes, and that happened there are almost 18 years, the day of the lunar eclipse, between 2001 and 2100. July 16, 2000. This lunar eclipse was almost as close to the maximum time for a total lunar eclipse because the moon was passing through the eye of the Shadow of the Earth

The eclipse next July will be slightly north of In a total lunar eclipse, the moon turns red – it is often called a "moon of blood" – for the same reason that sunrise and sunset often have this shadow. r osy hue: the light that illuminates the moon is filtered through the atmosphere of the Earth

In addition to the moons of blood, there are also black moons and blue moons:

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