The Loon alphabet project has broadcast more than 621 miles on the Internet


Alphabet's Loon aims to bring Internet access to different parts of the world. And this has reached an important milestone.

On Tuesday, Loon was able to transmit an Internet signal of 1,000 kilometers, or about 621 miles, through seven different balloons. It's the farthest Loon has ever had access to the Internet and, as he did with seven balloons, Loon was able to expand the signal and reach many more people on the ground than if a balloon emitted an Internet signal.

Loon is Alphabet's response to an increasing number of services that attempt to send Internet signals over large areas. Facebook, for example, uses drones to achieve the same feat. Loon uses balloons that fly high above areas and transmit the Internet to the ground. According to Alphabet, who announced his feat in a message Tuesday, the latest test was conducted on Nevada and California.

Large technology companies consider sending Internet signals over large areas as a major opportunity. There are still billions of people in the world who do not have access to the Internet. And in some areas, access can be intimidating, if not impossible. Putting these people online could be a major business opportunity for Facebook and Google. And it could also encourage these people to use their services.

In the future, Alphabet plans to continue testing Loon. The company hopes to market it in 2019.

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