The Los Angeles public prosecutor has decided not to prosecute Avenatti


LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles prosecutor on Wednesday refused to sue lawyer Michael Avenatti for domestic violence charges and alleged that he had brutalized his girlfriend with the city's attorney for a possible crime case.

Avenatti, 47, was arrested last week for domestic violence, after his girlfriend told the police that he assaulted her in his Los Angeles apartment following 39, an argument.

A restraining order against Avenatti was made after actress Mareli Miniutti said he dragged her arm to the floor of the bedroom.

Avenatti, who had called the allegations "completely false" and fabrication, said in a statement that he was grateful to the prosecutor for rejecting the charges.

"This Thanksgiving," he says, "I am particularly grateful for justice."

A spokeswoman for the Attorney General did not explain why the prosecutors had refused to take the case to the Los Angeles police. The documents in support of the decision were not made public because the case was referred back to the city prosecutor and is still under investigation.

Avenatti, who is thinking about a run for the presidency, is best known as the lawyer for porn actress Stormy Daniels, who claimed to have had an affair with President Donald Trump in 2006, an assertion denied by Trump .

As Daniels' attorney, Avenatti sued the president and his relatives relentlessly for months, mocking Trump during interviews and biting him into tweets.

Miniutti said in its restraining order application that she was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear when he caught her by the arm and licked her. dragged out of bed. She said that she had been scratched on the side and leg. The court documents include photographs that appear to show bruises.

The order was granted Monday.

Avenatti said that it would be justified once the images of security cameras in the building would have been examined, even if the violence described by Miniutti would not have occurred in the public areas of the building.

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