The lunar tourist of SpaceX is very excited to see the Earth from afar



This image of the Apollo 17 trip shows all the great blue marble of the Earth.


If everything goes as planned, the billionaire Japanese entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa and SpaceX BFR spacecraft plenty of artists will be circling the moon in 2023. It may take a few years, but Maezawa has already shared what fascinates him, and it's not the moon itself.

"Personally, seeing the Round Earth would be more exciting than seeing the moon up close," tweeted Maezawa Thursday. He followed that with another message saying, "When I see the round earth, I will absolutely cry, with deep gratitude for everything, love and forgiveness."

Maezawa speaks of a phenomenon known as the effect of synthesis, a term coined by the author Frank White in a book of the same name in 1987.

NASA describes the effect as "an experience that transforms the perspective of the planet and humanity on astronauts. The common features of this experience are a sense of fear for the planet, a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life and a renewed sense. responsibility to take care of the environment. "

Apollo 11 astronaut, Michael Collins, said in 2009 that his greatest memory of the famous lunar mission of 1969 was to look at the Earth from very far away.

"I really believe that if the world's political leaders could see their planet at a distance of 100,000 miles, their prospects could be fundamentally changed," Collins wrote.

SpaceX and its founder Elon Musk unveiled Maezawa as a Lunar Mission customer in September. Maezawa, known as an art patron, said he intended to take a group of diverse artists on a project called #dearMoon.

If Maezawa's expectations come true, these artists could find as much inspiration to see our Blue Marble as they would when they were circling the moon.

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