The main nominees are "thwarting" Trump, according to a senior administration official in the New York Times.


The New York Times on Wednesday launched an international riddles match by publishing an explosive column – written by a person known as a "senior official" in the Trump administration – that senior government officials are actively working to "thwart" Pires. inclinations. "

"We believe that our first duty is to exercise this country and that the president continues to act in a way prejudicial to the health of our republic," wrote the anonymous author. "That's why many Trump appointees are committed to doing everything in our power to preserve our democratic institutions while countering Mr. Trump's more mistaken impulses until he be more in function.

The column attracted immediate and extraordinary media attention and a public reprimand from the president, who described it as "inconsistent" at a ceremony at the White House. A statement by press officer Sarah Huckabee Sanders called the column "another example of the concerted effort of the liberal media to discredit the president." "TREASON?"

Notably, neither he nor the White House press attaché denied that this had been written by a member of his administration.

This was the second consecutive day in which Trump was on the defensive against a critical play. He spent a portion of Tuesday and Wednesday morning on Twitter writing a new book by author Bob Woodward, whose excerpts made statements similar to those of the author of The Times.

The Times column – titled "I'm part of the resistance inside the Trump administration" – was unusual both because of its insider perspective and because the newspaper published it anonymously .

The article said, among other things, that there were "rumors" among government officials to have invoked the 25th amendment, a complex process, never used before, to dismiss the president because He was considered disabled and unable to perform his duties. The notion was rejected, writes the author, because "no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. We will do our utmost to steer the administration in the right direction until, in one way or another, it is completed. "

Newspapers and the Times in particular rarely allow people to write opinion pieces without attaching their names. The main problem is transparency; readers have the right to know who gives their opinion, so that they can better judge the motivations, intentions and possible interests of the author.

However, the Times has already allowed it. She published in June an article from a woman from El Salvador who recounted her treatment while in detention in the United States. According to the Times, she was anonymous because she and her family were facing gang violence in her home country.

In an unsigned note attached to the column, the Times said it took "the rare step" to publish the essay at the request of the author. She stated that her identity was known to the publishers, but that the writer's work would be compromised by her disclosure. The note adds, "We believe that anonymous publication of this essay is the only way to provide an important perspective to our readers."

The Times editor, James Bennet, declined to provide further information about the writer's position or identity, but said the newspaper had received the article before the news about Woodward's book are published Tuesday. He stated that the newspaper "could not have published" the article if it had not granted anonymity to its author.

"We thought it was an important prospect to come out," he said. "Our preference is not to publish anonymously and we rarely do it. The question is, do we think the play was important enough to make an exception? We are convinced that this was the case.

The author's explanation as to why he was working for the administration, despite deep concerns about the president, was one of the main conclusions of the article. "The writer believes in the fulfillment of the president," said Bennet, "but is very concerned about the president's mercurial behavior."

The anonymity of the Times column may intensify a lingering suspicion among Trump supporters – that a "deep state" within the federal government is actively working against him and his agenda. The column suggests that the notion is not totally exaggerated.

"From the White House to the departments and agencies of the executive branch, senior officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at the comments and actions of the commander-in-chief. Most are working to isolate their operations from their whims, "said the column.

At a meeting with law enforcement officials from across the country at the White House on Wednesday, Trump denounced the "failing New York Times" and the media.

"If I was not there, I think the New York Times would probably not exist," he said to the applause of uniformed officers. "And one day when [he’s out of office]We hope that the New York Times and CNN will cease operations in six and a half years. There will be nothing to write.

He added that the Times has published "an anonymous editorial – can you believe it? – anonymous, which means without water. "

The anonymous column immediately referred to "Deep Throat," the high-ranking government source who helped Woodward in his reporting on President Nixon's crimes at Watergate in 1972 and 1973. Speculation about Deep Throat's identity persisted. for decades until Deep Throat Mark Felt himself – unmasks himself in a Vanity Fair article in 2005.

A similar guessing game surrounded the identity of the anonymous author of "Primary Colors," a novel and satirical film based on Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign. The Washington Post broke through the puzzle in 1996, identifying Newsweek columnist and CBS commentator Joe Klein as the author of the book.

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