The Man Booker Prize for Diction Awarded to "Dairy" by Anna Burns: NPR


Anna Burns, author of Milkman, who received Tuesday the Man Booker for Fiction.

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Anna Burns, author of Milkman, who received Tuesday the Man Booker for Fiction.

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For the first time, a writer from Northern Ireland won the prestigious Man Booker Award. The award, attributed to fiction works written in English and published in the UK, was announced at a ceremony held Tuesday night in London.

The winner, Anna Burns, was inspired by her own experience during the "turmoil" of Northern Ireland to write her novel, Dairy. The story is told through the eyes of an 18-year-old girl who tries to avoid the dangerous attention of a paramilitary figure known as Milkman. Instead, she becomes the target of rumors and gossip. None of the characters in the book have a name. In an interview on Man Booker's website, Burns said, "At first I tried names several times, but the book did not hold.

Kwame Anthony Appiah, chairman of the jury, said: "None of us has ever read anything like this before." He called it "a story of brutality, sexual encroachment and biting humor."

Judges read 170 novels before selecting a shortlist of 6 nominees that also include:

Daisy Johnson, United Kingdom Everything under

Esi Edugyan, Canada, Washington Black

Rachel Kushner, United States The Mars Room

Richard Powers, United States L & # 39; outside

Robin Robertson, UK, The long hold

All finalists, says Appiah, "take you so far from your comfort zone that you never come back completely."

The Man Booker award rules changed in 2014 when American authors were allowed to compete for the prize. Last year, American novelist George Saunders won the award. Saunders novel sales, Lincoln at Bardo, rose more than 1,000%, according to an official press release from the Man Booker Award. In the hope, Greywolf Press, the publisher of Burns, announced that the book would go on sale in this country on December 11, instead of next year. The winner also receives a £ 50,000 reward, which equals more than $ 65,000.

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