The man is suffering from incredible side effects after taking too much Viagra


With respect to prescription drugs, it is obviously extremely important to adhere to the recommended dosage. After all, it is recommended for a reason.

Unfortunately for a man, he had to find the most difficult route – no pun intended – when he exceeded the recommended dose for Viagra.

The 31-year-old man, who was taking the drug to relieve his erectile dysfunction, was admitted to the hospital. He suffered from vision problems.

In a new study conducted by Mount Sinai, researchers have confirmed that high doses of Viagra can damage your vision. Most disturbing is that the effects can be permanent.

Richard Rosen, Director of Retina Services at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary at Mount Sinai and principal investigator of the study, said:

People live according to the philosophy that if a little is good, a lot is better

This study shows how a large dose of a commonly used drug can be dangerous.

Rosen and his team looked at the 31-year-old man's retina and simply stated that the results were not pretty. The human retina had potentially permanent lesions.

Rosen said:

I explained the symptoms that the patient was suffering from

Although we know that colored vision disorders are a well-described side effect of this drug, we have never been able to visualize its structural effect on the retina until now.

Apparently, the man admitted to have greatly exceeded the recommended dose of 50 mg of Viagra that he had purchased online, informing doctors that the symptoms had begun to appear quickly. Although I could not specify exactly how much he had taken.

Although medical guidelines should always be followed, even the recommended doses of Viagra can cause mild "vision disturbances" – normally in the form of a bluish fog. Although these symptoms usually go away quickly.

Unfortunately, the patient's vision has not improved and doctors say the damage is irreversible.

H / T: IFL Science

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