The Mandsaur rape case sparked protests by Muslim and Hindu groups; lawyers refuse to represent the accused


The rape of an 8-year-old girl in Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, on June 26, galvanized the entire area for her to stir up, gathering groups that are normally perceived as having antithetical ideologies. This, according to residents and activists, is mainly because Mandsaur is quick to organize politically aggressive movements, and has had a poor record of women's security. The brutal nature of the crime has given a new impetus to the protesters.

"On the evening of June 26, while the girl was waiting for her family members to take her home, Irfan, the main defendant, abducted her. He took her to the bus stand and allegedly raped her in the bushes near Laxman Darwaja, "said Manoj Kumar Singh, Superintendent of Police, Mandsaur, at Firstpost . The accused would have attracted the girl with laddoos and would have later taken her to the abandoned crime scene.

"What happened is wrong. However, this does not detract from the fact that if the parents were late to pick her up, they should have informed the school authorities, "said Kumar, who served as a gender advisor to United Nations.

  Various Muslim communities came out in force to condemn the incident and also the politicization of it on the communal lines. Pallavi Rebbapragada / Firstpost

Members of various Muslim organizations have come out in force to condemn the incident and its politicization on communal lines. Pallavi Rebbapragada / Firstpost

He added that as soon as the police took pictures of the accused, they received nearly 1000 phone calls from the local population, thanks to which the main defendants were arrested quickly.

Mukesh Kumar Patidar, The local community of Mandsaur participated in the daily demonstrations in the district, including Sitamau, Malhargarh and Neemuch. He said thousands of people marched through the streets of Mandsaur on Friday and Saturday. "The issue is politicized now, but the biggest problem is that the state does not manage the antisocial elements, which are the result of unemployment and poverty." A case was registered against Irfan under He and other defendants had a history of alcohol abuse and complaints were often lodged against them, "he said. Patidar added that police should monitor those with criminal records A 7-year-old boy who was the first to spot the girl walking kaanta gali (a deserted area near Laxman Darwaja , a former fort of Mandsaur), said that she was seriously injured and asked on June 27, when the news of the incident spread like wildfire, there was a lock complete in Mandsaur, Patidar is also the prakhand sanyojak of Vishwa Hindu Pari On Sunday, he declared that the Hindu groups: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Durga Vahini, Ram Sena and Bajrang Dal united in one entity, the Hindu Samast Samaj, for take the cause of women's safety in the state. "We demand a swift treatment of justice.The Chief Minister has already made the commitment that this will happen.But it is not a political issue, it is a human rights issue and we want every girl to feel safe in Madhya Pradesh "

Amit Gupta Rashtriya adhyaksh Bajrang Sena First post [19459005Legroupehindouacondamnél'incidentetorganisédesmanifestationsauGujaratauBiharetauMadhyaPradeshSaprincipalerevendicationestquesilesaccuséssontreconnuscoupablesilsdevraientêtrependusprèsdeIndiaGate"Nousn​​'agissonspasparcequelesaccuséssontmusulmansnousaurionsfaitlemêmebruits&#39theywerebehindusintheoceanfromtheoceantotravelwithRavanailaraconthe shloka "bhay bin preet na hoye gopala" which means that even love does not happen without fear. We want the government to instill in the minds of people "

During this time, members of Sampan Muslim Samaj, a grouping of Muslim groups, wrote a letter to Madhya Pradesh's governor, Anandiben Patel, and Mandsaur district collector, stating that they strongly condemn the monstrous act allegedly committed by the accused. Sampan Muslim Samaj members emphasized the need for accelerated justice and tougher laws that inspire fear of antisocial elements and allow girls and women to walk the streets without fear.

Babu Salim, former president of the Waqf Council in Neemuch district, declared Firstpost Muslims in the region have two major claims: That Irfan be hanged immediately and on the other hand, that He was denied space in a cemetery in Mandsaur or Neemuch

Hanif Sheikh, a councilor in hall no. 34, where the incident occurred, told Firstpost that members of the Anjuman Muslim Welfare Committee and the MEW Welfare Society came together to unite Muslims against which happened on June 26th. "The Irfan family is known to me." These are simple people who were constantly troubled by their son's capricious nature. "Irfan was in drugs and alcohol and had a habit of disappearing. of the house for long periods of time, "added Sheikh, adding that the inhabitants of Mandsaur were united against him and would do everything to ensure that the issue was not politicized. "It's about us and our people, a rapist is a rapist, not a Hindu or a Muslim," he said

 Anjuman-E-Islam wrote to the President to seek the death penalty for the culprits in the rape case Mandsaur Pallavi Rebbapragada / Firstpost

Anjuman-E-Islam wrote to the President to ask for the death penalty for the guilty in the Mainsaur rape case Pallavi Rebbapragada / Firstpost

Mohammad Asgar, president of the MEW Welfare Society, said that when Muslims came forward to condemn the rape, they did not even know which religion belonged to. Even after they discovered, their feelings remained the same. "Our reaction would have been the same if the man was from a Hindu family. It is a crime against humanity and we must rise above religious differences, "he said.

MS Sisodiya of the Crime Branch of Madhya Pradesh told Firstpost that the defendants are being held by Mandsaur .. He said that although Mandsaur is a largely peaceful place, it has lately become a symbol of rage and injustice.

Meanwhile, local lawyers refused to represent the defendant Dashrath Singh Jhala, a lawyer based in Mandsaur and a member of the Mandsaur District Bar Association (MDBA), an organization consisting of 622 lawyers , said that no lawyer in Mandsaur will represent the accused, and that it is a unanimous decision of the district bar. 19659002] He told Firstpost that the defendants are in police custody until July 5, and the police will record the survivor's statement a is that she will be a little better and that she will be able to speak. "People are not furious with the police as such, they are furious at the thought that the case will advance at a snail pace, and the accused will live comfortably during this time. time, "Singh said. He added that public anger had been fueled because the main defendant had already molested a woman and that a complaint had been lodged against him. Singh claimed that Ifran was dropped by the police after a warning.

Mahesh Patidar, another Mandsaur lawyer, said that the farmer deaths or the rape of a little girl, the people of Mandsaur have overtaken the caste and communal barriers to fight for the rights of the 39; man. He added that it would be difficult for parties to woo locals unless women are safe and people in each community are economically empowered

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