The Mariners traded James Paxton to the Yankees, and here's what to think


The Seattle Mariners traded James Paxton against the New York Yankees against pitchers Justus Sheffield and Erik Swanson, as well as field goalkeeper Dom Thompson-Williams. It's a big job and we have to dig. Paxton was one of the most coveted players on the market this season. Sheffield was one of the best prospects likely to be traded in the offseason. It's a fascinating job, so immerse yourself in it.

We will summarize this exchange with important things to do and not to do for both teams.

DO: Be a little annoyed that the Yankees have improved on paper

Paxton is not exactly an A-1 monster, top-o'-the-rotation, but is much more likely to help a major league team in 2019 than Sheffield, Swanson and Thompson-Williams combined. The FanGraphs Steamer projection system includes Paxton with an average of 3.21 points difference in 185 innings next year, which should be worth about four or five replacement wins. It would be an improvement for all the teams, but it is a particularly substantial improvement for the Yankees, who had an extremely deep training and a corrector but who needed help with their rotation.

We can discuss the merits of Paxton (and we will do so in a few moments) or what the Yankees have abandoned, but they are indisputably better on paper.

DO NOT DO: Say things like, "The Yankees have an ace"

Paxton is not an ace. It looks more like the "Customers Who Viewed This Article Also Bought" section on Amazon, for people looking for Aces. It's as-adjacent.

He's good, notice. See the previous section. He will perform well if he is to start the first game of the World Series and he will not seem out of place. But last year, it was the first time he had made more than 136 innings or more than 25 starts, and his ERA + was 108, which was above average but barely dominant. He looked more like Derek Holland than Max Scherzer, in other words.

Split the difference, then. Paxton has a floor 2018 Derek Holland with a latent and eternal Max Scherzer head. As long as he stays healthy, that is *.

* DO NOT: expect him to be in good health

Yes, about that. Paxton will turn 30 next year, and his five best-of-six seasons between the majors and the minors go like this:

  1. 171 IP (2016)
  2. 160 IP (2018)
  3. 140 IP (2017)
  4. 97 IP (2014)
  5. 73 IP (2015)

Some throwers spend their entire career in front of a hatch. Until now, Paxton has been one of them. If the good news is good, it's that his last three years have been the healthiest.

DO: I wonder what it means that the Yankees used their money trading ball in this trade

Justus Sheffield has been mentioned in almost all trade rumors in recent years, ranging from "untouchable" to the rumor of the day with every potential trade. According to MLB Pipeline, he was the best hope of the Yankees and was certainly the closest to the majors. Although I do not have a clear idea of ​​what the Yankees could have acquired in a Sheffield business, it was not a small list. They could have traded for many launchers available. Many young pitchers under the control of the team.

Pitchers like Sonny Gray, you know.

This will make the Yankees a little more boring on the deadline, unless there is an outstanding performance of their system. With the arrival of Sheffield, the Yankees no longer have this prospect of the top 100 MLB. They spent that chip on Paxton. We'll see if it's smart.

DO NOT: Suppose browsers undergo a complete rebuild

Do not call it a rebuild. It's a restart. A reload. It's the Mariners who rejuvenate while having the smallest homes. They will also be an interesting quasi-competitor.

At first glance, it seems like a travesty for a team of 89 wins to retire in 2019 instead of doubling, but the Mariners have been largely overwhelmed and have spent most of last season in the category "How do you they? baseball section. Negotiating Paxton before becoming a free agent or taking a break for good was a good idea, even for a team that felt like it was there last year.

It's just not a complete disassembly at the White Sox. Mike Zunino was traded against the center player next year. Paxton was sent for his probable replacement in the rotation. These are not balloon pilots who could help in 2023; these are your 2019 Mariners, and you know that there will be another exchange or thirty before the start of the season.

Jerry Dipoto is the Mary Winchester of the MJ. Replace each occurrence of "Winchester" with "Dipoto" in this passage, and replace each mention of "house" with "roster".

However, the media also claimed that there was an alternative, Ms. Winchester was tasked to move to the west and soothe the spirits by building a big house for them. As long as the construction of the house never stopped, Mrs. Winchester could be assured that her life was not in danger. To build such a house would even bring him eternal life.

It works perfectly. There will be more trades. The spirits require them. And I do not think they will fall into a net reconstruction category.

DO: Suppose the sailors will be worse next year and prolong the longest playoff drought in North American sports.

Sheffield may be worth more than Paxton last year. This is the goal of the prospects, after all. It's just not a awesome luck.

The sailors are likely to start the season with lower training, but it should be noted that the training they have made finished with a record of Pythagoras 77-85. They will probably not be as good as they were last year, even with the same composition. Paxton trading, however, almost guarantees it.

Although it is possible that Jerry Transactions has a vision, it cedes Paxton against a prospect for six years, then has Dallas Keuchel to replace Paxton. It would be a clever sleight of hand and totally on the mark! Assuming it's not likely, though.

Don'ts: accidentally confusing Dom Thompson-Williams with a gruff but endearing city councilor who always gives a good quote to the local newspaper

Do not bring your luggage with the names of people here, dude. We are just talking about baseball.

The Yankees are better and the sailors are more flexible, although a little less good. The Yankees have not done enough to be the irresistible favorites in the East Al league, but they have certainly solved the problem of their obvious weakness early in the off season. They probably have not finished, and if you want to make your choice of the World Series before the start of next season, I will not blame you.

Talk about the Yankees in this last sentence, just to be clear. I was talking about the Yankees.

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