The Marjory Stoneman Douglas football team wins its first home game since February 14


Nearly seven months after a shootout that killed 17 students and school staff, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School football team won their first regular season home game and defeated the South Broward High 23-6 Friday. night in Parkland, Florida.

Seventeen people were killed in the Feb. 14 shooting, making it the deadliest shootout in the US high school. Among the victims were offensive line coach Aaron Feis and athletic director Chris Hixon. Seventeen others were injured.

The team, which improved 2-0 with Friday's win, paid tribute to the victims by painting No. 17 on its logo in the middle of the field. Each player also wore the number on his helmets.

Stoneman Douglas quarterback Ryan Kavanaugh, speaking of the 17 victims, told the South Florida Sun Sentinel: "We know they are with us.

Head coach Willis May said he hoped the team would honor the victims with Friday's victory.

"We just want them to be proud," said May at Sun Sentinel. "They are in paradise, and we hope they look at us and that they are happy with the way we try to represent them.We try to make sure they understand that we are thinking about it and they are that they will always be with them. "

May told the Sun Sentinel before the match that the tragedy would remain with the Parkland community "for the rest of our lives".

"We will never be," he said. "It will never be something we will just forget and forget, it will be with us for the rest of our lives, we just need to learn from it and take advantage of it and hopefully become stronger."

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