The match: Tiger vs Phil


It's over! Phil shot a 4-foot putt on the 22nd hole of the day to end the epic match and win the $ 9 million prize. Both players made good shots, but Tiger missed a distance of 7 feet. Phil has not missed this time.

Huge missed opportunity for Phil. He missed an 8-foot putt for the win after Tiger hit the green again. In fact, Tiger still had a crowbar full of pressure to attack him, but while Tiger was lining up, Phil conceded the putt, saying, "I do not want to win like that."

In a very short hole, the custom of deciding all of this, Tiger passed the green and in the rough while Phil's shot landed the pin high and about 15 feet from the cut. Tiger went up and down and Phil missed the decisive goal. We will continue playing this same hole again and again until a winner is designated. Buckle your belt.

Playing the same hole again, Tiger hit him in the tee's long grass, forcing him to put himself in place on his second shot. Phil was much better, but he missed the opportunity and launched his second shot in the bunker on the other side of the creek. A hard lie prevented him from placing the ball near the third opportunity. So he opted for a putt of two for the par.

Tiger's third shot was a beauty, leaving him 8 feet for a birdie and the match. No sir. We will play another one.

A court par 5 is an inviting birdie and therefore ideal for finishing a match-play round. Tiger was solid early in the game, but his second shot was a bit long and straight, leaving him a 45-foot putt for the eagle. This putt missed. Phil hit two good shots to give himself 32 feet to win the $ 9 million. This also missed. Both have successfully birdied and we will play until a winner is designated. Free golf!

They will play the 18th hole again in a sudden death situation.

A magnificent hole had a dramatic effect, while Phil continued his success on the normal 3 with a powerful shot to get in range of birdie. Tiger's shot went just beyond the green. But in the first big shot of the day, Tiger buried the token of a bird about 40 feet. We even pulled out a Tiger hand pump. Phil's putt is out. And one way or another, we are tied before the last hole.

"You've been pissing me for 20 years," Phil said as they stood on the 18th start. "I do not know why I'm surprised by this now."

The longest hole in the course requires three great shots. Each player found the driveway on the tee, but none could go to the green in two. A pair of ugly chips left them long putts for birdie. Naturally, neither one delivered. Time is running out for Tiger.

The tension rises as we move towards the house. Less chatter and more concentration of players. Even Phil noticed the change of tone by saying, "I'm trying to be more talkative, but I'm just not on the back."

Tiger and Phil hit the fairway at the start but they both missed the green on the approach, Phil left and Tiger was short. Phil got a much better chip to set up a normal one. Tiger missed another short putt and he is late again in the game.

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Tiger pitched a $ 300,000 challenge for the match closest to the pin, and Phil raised him again. This gives Phil more than $ 600,000 in charity bets earned that day, compared to $ 200,000 for Tiger. And this time, Phil also took advantage of his tee shot, diving a 9-foot birdie and hole to bring things back to the place.

Tiger seems to have some momentum. He struck two perfect shots to put the ball just a few feet from the cup, which led Phil to concede the birdie. Phil had a much harder time trying to halve the hole, but he misinterpreted it. Tiger took his first lead of the match.

The short par 4 of the course invites players to attack the green at the start. And he also invited another bet aside for a charity: $ 200,000 if one of the two players made a hole in 2 strokes. Again, no dice. Both players went a little long in the green during their first shots and, while Tiger came closer for an easy birdie, Phil's chip was out of place. His birdie attempt was missed right and Tiger took the hole.

Two good shots caused a bad approach to Tiger and a little bad Phil. Two throws of Phil and a powerful Tiger token gave rise to another tie.

As he stood on the tee shirt, Phil offered $ 100,000 if one of the two players made an eagle on that court by 4. Then, a few moments later, he added a zero. So it was a million dollar shot. So of course, neither player came near the hole in two shots. Tiger went very far and left a long and treacherous birdie while Phil was found in the bunker near the green. Tiger has two shots for the pair and Phil has made ups and downs to reduce another one.

Charles Barkley said halfway through the hole: "I just want the United States to know that it's a golf shit." In fact, these guys only play not their game yet.

Phil won another prize closest to the pin, this time for $ 200,000, while taking the lead in the overall standings. Neither player touched the ball very close to the cup, Phil's ball being 38 feet away, as opposed to 40 feet of Tiger. As for today's putts, both were rather awful, as Tiger's was short and to the right and Phil hit him a few feet away. Tiger came out about 6 feet while Phil drilled for a winning hole.

OK, things have finally got a little interesting here. Phil's road narrowly missed the fairway on the right and Tiger hit him in the middle of the field, then Tiger offered an extra bet. "Low score on the hole here for $ 100,000." Phil wanted 3 or 2 chances in his favor because his ball was in a worse location, but Tiger did not have it. The side bet was rejected and Tiger gave Phil a bit of grief for that.

Apparently, Phil hit his head because he lost his second shot in a bunker and made a serious mistake by diving his third shot into another green bunker. Tiger managed a long brilliant putt for his third shot to get a captive bird. Phil did not manage to get out of the bunker, and suddenly, the match is over!

Phil dropped another record in the middle, but this time, Tiger did the same with a perfect 350-yard bomb. This was necessary on this very long part 4. Phil hit a nifty second shot, using the backstop behind the putting green to return the ball into the maki area. Tiger's also left a reasonable chance to a birdie, but both players missed. Neither did a putt outside about 5 feet today.

The first par 3 of the day featured a $ 100,000 competition closest to the flag. Phil took the money (which will go to charity) by hitting his shot within 8 feet of the pin. Tiger's ball did not come close and his long birdie attempt was way off the mark. With a chance to win the hole, Phil left his putt just too short. Tiger poured it to reduce another.

The betting public is starting to lean towards Phil and it's easy to understand why. He hits the fairways of the tee and Tiger continues to miss. He had to cut the ball off the ultra-deep grass and lie down while Phil put his second shot near the putting green. But of course, Tiger is one of the best jammers of all time, so he made his third shot just yards from the hole. Phil also traded injuries and both players had short and easy putts for birdie. Both players conceded the putts for another tie.

"That sucks," Tiger said, heading for his stray tee shot, which was right behind a tree. He had to make his way down the fairway, while Phil easily hit the green on his second shot with a chance to birdie for the win. Phil missed the long putt and Tiger went on to split the hole by two.

On another relatively easy hole, neither one nor the other played the hole very well. But Phil Mickelson hits first after Tiger missed a mere four feet. Both players missed the green on the approach and both hit mediocre chips to leave difficult putts. Phil sank his 5-foot and Tiger's putt came out.

Samuel L. Jackson introduced the two golfers on the tee, as we have to incorporate as many celebrities as possible. Both Tiger and Phil hit the iron, then we had to watch 2 or 3 minutes of forced conversation as they headed for their shots. There will be a lot of complicated filling time in this round.

Both players had strong throws to give them a reasonable putt. Tiger was the first to miss, so Phil faced a putt with a $ 200,000 bet on the line – and he failed to fall. Both players are tied but Tiger wins $ 200K. Not bad for a golf hole.

The pre-game commentary featured a strange mix of personalities: PGA golfer Pat Perez, actor / comedian Ben Stiller and legendary / wacky NBA analyst Charles Barkley. They are clearly trying to give this NBA a TNT sensation (Turner owns Bleacher Report, which directs the show). There is $ 200,000 on the line at the very first hole, so let's start.

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