The Mediterranean Diet Could Help Depression: Here's How


The Mediterranean diet could help people with depression, according to a new study.

The researchers recently analyzed 41 different studies to see how they affected a person's chances of developing or reducing the effects of depression. They found that people who followed the Mediterranean diet were one-third less likely to develop a depression than those who followed other diets, according to CNN, who had previously obtained the report.

The Mediterranean diet is largely based on fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes. Perhaps more importantly, it replaces butter and other fatty products with healthy fats in olive oil and canola oil. Those who follow the Mediterranean diet often limit (if not eliminate) red meat and opt for the absence of salt.

According to the researchers, the Mediterranean diet is full of anti-inflammatory substances and does not rely on inflammatory foods, such as processed meats and trans fatty acids. Often, researchers have discovered that inflammatory substances can lead to depression.

The researchers stopped saying in the study that the Mediterranean diet would actually stop depression in those who have it. But they said it would reduce the risk of depression. And if a person's diet is affected by their diet, switching to the Mediterranean diet could reduce inflammation, insulin resistance and other considerations. All of this could translate into improved mental health.

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