The memo: Trump seeks Kim repeat with Putin


President Donald Trump Donald John Trump Canadian Prime Minister commemorates the victims of the Maryland journal pulling Trump suggested to Macron that France should leave the EU: report writer Maryland newspaper in an emotional interview: "We need more than prayers " Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 16 .

The meeting will inevitably be considered in the context of the investigation by a special advocate Robert Mueller ] Robert Swan MuellerSasse: The United States should applaud Mueller's choice to lead Russia to Investigations into allegations of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia in 2016.

But Trump supporters say that there is another month parallel with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in Singapore. Proponents of Trump felt that this meeting shows that the president is becoming more and more comfortable on the international stage.

The mood music of the Singapore summit was largely positive and it may have contributed to the rise in Trump's ratings in many polls.

However, some skeptics worry about the vagueness of the agenda for "I do not know what the meeting is about," said Michael McFaul, who served as President Obama's ambassador to Russia and is now a principal investigator at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University.

"What goal is he trying to reach? Will he negotiate a Russian withdrawal from the east of Ukraine? I really do not know." [19659005] The clearest clues about how the meeting is seen by the administration came Wednesday when John Bolton, Trump's national security adviser, held a press conference in Moscow . Bolton had been sent to finalize the main logistics of the meeting.

Bolton asserted that the mere fact that the meeting was held was important.

"I do not think we were expecting, necessarily, results or specific decisions," The national security adviser said, adding that the summit itself was a "deliverable."

The President sought to portray the meeting – which will come at the end of a European trip that includes a NATO summit in Brussels and a visit to the UK – as part of a broader effort to improve US-Russian relations.

In a brief address to reporters at the White House Wednesday before the official confirmation of the summit, Trump said: with Russia and with China and with everyone is a very good thing. It's good for the world, it's good for everyone.

The next day, on board Air Force One, Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walters described the summit as "an effort to reduce tensions and lead to criticism, however," he said. 39, worried that Trump would avoid putting pressure on Putin on key issues where the United States and Russia disagree – including the annexation of Crimea by the Kremlin, its commitment to peace and Security. broader actions in eastern Ukraine and its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad in the seven-year civil war of this nation. "The bottom line is that anything is being asked of the Russians, or is the US taking action in Ukraine, Syria, to its illegal seizure of the Crimea?" Said Max Bergmann, a senior member of the Center for American Progress, a liberal group.

"That's what Putin will be after," added Bergmann. "And the question will be, if Trump gives it to him, why?"

Such questions also go to wider criticism of liberal critics: that Trump is too close to Russia and too prone to soft-pedal when confrontations arise. Just earlier this month, for example, Trump suggested that Russia should be readmitted to the group of major industrialized countries from which it was expelled in 2014. This decision was made following the annexation of Crimea by Moscow

. I think it would be an asset for Russia's recovery, "Trump told a press conference earlier this month at the G7 summit

.] Ned Price, told CNN that "Today precisely crystallizes why Putin was so eager to see Trump elected."

But the White House has in the past pushed hard the story that he is soft on Russia 19659010]

The sources of the administration remind journalists that the president has twice ordered air strikes against Russian-backed President Assad – which Obama has never done.

They also note that the administration authorized the sale of lethal aid to Ukraine and deployed US soldiers in Poland as part of a joint US task force. NATO to counter a perceived Russian threat.

Even McFaul, Obama a former ambassador adeur, gives the credit of the administration for its overall policy. The problem, he says, is "that the president does not seem to agree with him."

He added, with respect to the summit, "a bad result would be where Putin gives him a history lesson on Ukraine or Russia's relations with Syria, and the president somehow says he's going to overthrow the policy of his own administration.I do not predict it will happen, to be clear, but that would be my concern. "

Bolton, for one, insisted on the fact that "despite the political noise", Trump had decided that the meeting was in

The memo is a column reported by Niall Stanage, mainly centered on Donald Trump's presidency. ]

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