The mental health crisis could cost $ 22 billion to the world by 2030, Europe News and feature stories


LONDON • Mental disorders are increasing in all countries of the world and could cost the global economy up to 16 trillion USD (22 trillion USD) between 2010 and 2030 if one does not "Attack not to the collective failure in reaction, according to a report.

The Lancet Commission's report released Tuesday by 28 world experts in psychiatry, public health and neuroscience, as well as patients and mental health advocacy groups, said the escalating crisis could cause lasting harm to people. people, communities and economies around the world.

While some of the costs will be the direct costs of health care and drugs or other therapies, most are indirect – in the form of lost productivity and expenses for social protection, education, and maintenance of health care. 39, order, said the co-lead author of the report, Vikram Patel.

The far – reaching report did not provide a breakdown of the estimated economic impact estimated at US $ 16 trillion estimated by 2030.

"The situation is extremely dark," said Dr. Patel of the Harvard Medical School in the United States.

He added that the burden of mental illness has increased dramatically in the world over the last 25 years, in part because of the aging of society and the growing number of children surviving in adolescence. Yet, "no country is investing enough" to tackle the problem.

"No other human health problem has been neglected as much as mental health," said Dr. Patel.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression and that 50 million suffer from dementia.

It is estimated that schizophrenia affects 23 million people and bipolar disorder about 60 million.

The Lancet Report found that in many countries, people with common mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia regularly suffer gross human rights violations – including obstructions and acts of torture. and prison sentences.

Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the Lancet medical journal, who commissioned the report, said the report highlighted the "shameful and shocking treatment of people with mental disorders around the world."

He called for a human rights-based approach to ensure that people with mental health problems are not deprived of their basic rights, including access to employment. , to education and other basic life experiences.

It also recommended a global transfer of mental health care for mental health patients, with psychosocial treatments such as speech therapies offered not only by health professionals, but also by community health workers, peers , teachers and clergy.

The report was released ahead of the first global ministerial summit on mental health to be held in London this week.


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