The message of Anderson Cooper after sending a bomb to CNN: "We are not afraid"


As for the future, I think everyone at CNN's New York office is hoping for a trouble-free day on Thursday. Here's a recap of what happened on Wednesday and what's next …

"If the devices were designed to kill, they failed," said Cooper. "They were designed to scare and silence journalists or politicians, they also failed." We, here at CNN, are grateful for the keen eyes and clear thinking of the men and women who protect us every day. day in this building and in the country and around the world, as well as for the responsiveness and expertise of the New York Police and all the other agencies involved in what is now a massive and ongoing investigation. "

Cooper added: "Terror only works when it produces fear, we are not afraid, we are here and we will be here tomorrow and we will be here the next day and we will be here the next day. have a job to do. [This] only reinforces our determination. "

What do the targets have in common

More and more information is coming in on the number of suspicious packages and intended recipients, but up to now, it seems that all targets have something in common: they have often been the target of criticism. of right.
Most of the recipients were eminent Democrats. Or, as the Washington Post succinctly puts it: "In the midst of inflammatory rhetoric, the words targeted by Trump become the target of bombs".

This is not the same as blaming Trump. Like many people on TV on Wednesday, I specifically said that I did not blame Trump for the crimes of a madman. But officials in the information industry have repeatedly warned that Trump's rash attacks on the media have concrete consequences. They have repeatedly warned that words and deeds matter, but he chooses to warm things up rather than cool them down.

In a statement Wednesday afternoon, CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker, spoke on the issue. "There is a complete lack of understanding in the White House about the gravity of the continuation of their attacks on the media," he said. "The president, and especially the White House press officer, should understand that their words are important, so far they have shown no understanding of that."

Trump's anti-media speech continued late Wednesday night

Trump may not know what America needs. But he knows what his fans want to hear. For example, at his rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night, he continued his remarks denouncing political violence by slamming the media.

He "took no responsibility for the tone of the political speech," noted Bradner.

Instead, Trump said "the language of moral and destructive condemnation, the routine – these are arguments and disagreements that must cease", without recognizing its own destructive language. And he said "that the media also has the responsibility to give a civil tone and end the endless hostility and attacks and negative and often false and constant stories.

The reaction of David Gregory

I was on "CNN Tonight" by Don Lemon with David Gregory and Phil Mudd. Gregory raised a few key points that I want to reiterate. "I thought he had said the right thing" Wednesday, said Gregory, but it was "inappropriate to indulge in the press" at the rally.

He added: "The work of the media" is not to create a "tone" in this country. The job of the media is to cover power, to demand accountability, to ask questions and to do it fairly … We are not responsible for creating a tone, it sets the tone, the politicians create the tone. . "

Back to work Thursday

All of WarnerMedia's offices in the building have been affected, not just the CNN floors. This included staff from channels like TNT and the central offices.

WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey e-mailed his associates on Wednesday night and said, "Jeff Zucker and the entire CNN team have shown why a competent and functional press is an essential part of defending our freedom. informed. "

"Our work environment is safe and ready for your return tomorrow," Stankey said. "I am delighted with the way our security processes have worked today and I would like to thank our internal teams and a large number of dedicated first responders who have protected us all safely during the summer." today's event … "

Increased state of alert

Security officials from other major media companies paid close attention to Wednesday's threats. For example, "we are treating this situation with increased vigilance," News Corp's security department told its employees in an email.

Sonia Moghe of CNN announced that the NYPD Intelligence, Counterterrorism and Bomb Squad teams had increased their patrols at media outlets in New York and other potential areas as a precaution.

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There was no indication of suspicious packets in New York newsrooms. But there were fears at the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune.

At the CNN Center in Atlanta, magnetometers have been installed at the entrances of the building … Details in my story …
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