The meteor shower Delta Aquariid peaks this weekend: here's how to watch


When the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet, pieces of this debris catch fire in our atmosphere and cross the sky at a blistering 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. During the nights of July 27 and 28, you will be able to see this heavenly spectacle during the annual Delta Aquariid meteor shower.

The shower may not be as spectacular as Perseid meteor shower, yet to come From August 11th to 13th, it will be worth staying awake late Friday night or Saturday and looking up at the sky.

How do you find it? The meteorites seem to radiate out of the Delta Aquarii star, in the constellation Aquarius (which takes the form of a guy spilling a pot of water). Use a smart phone app like Sky Guide to know exactly where you live.


Aquarius will rise in the late evening (after 11 pm) in the southeast sky. Meteors will be easier to spot later in the night as Delta Aquarii rises higher and higher.

NASA notes that this meteor shower usually produces about 20 meteors per hour at its peak. You do not need to look directly at Delta Aquarii to see them, as they will radiate in all directions across the sky. However, a bright full moon could obscure some of your chances of seeing them.

Although the show culminates on July 27 and 28, Earthsky reports that a few meteors from Delta Aquarid can be seen each night until the end of August, and that it will not be possible. they are best seen after midnight

you can not spot meteors, at least you will have a nice view of Mars. This is because on July 27, the sun, the Earth and the planet Mars will line up for a two-year treatment called " March in Opposition ." It's a chance to see the red planet in great light details in the night sky. The opposition also occurs a few days before Earth and Mars reach their closest rapprochement – July 31. This makes Mars appear slightly larger in the sky than normal. clouds and rain), you are required to spot something cool looking at the stars on Friday night.

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