The Michigan Department of Health is investigating a possible case of …


According to state health officials, six Minnesota children have been diagnosed with polio-like illness since mid-September.

Acute flaccid myelitis, known as AFM, affects the body's nervous system – especially the spinal cord – and can cause paralysis. Unlike polio, there is no vaccine against AFM.

By the end of September, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had confirmed 38 cases in 16 states, but they would not say where these cases were.

The Michigan Department of Public Health is investigating a suspected case in an adult male.

AFM can develop from a viral infection, although its exact cause is unknown. Symptoms include limb weakness, a drooping face and difficulty swallowing or talking. Physicians emphasize the importance of recognizing early signs of AFM and seeking care as quickly as possible.

Experts do not want parents to panic, they want them to get ready.

According to an informal survey conducted by NBC News among state health officials, there are 87 possible cases in the United States in 26 states.

"It depends on the affected portion, so your legs can be affected, your arms, sometimes even your face," said Dr. Banu Kumar, chief of pediatric medicine at Michigan Children's Hospital. "The AFM is a rare disease, but most cases involve children, but I imagine that adults can also be affected on the occasion."

If your child has weakness, clumsiness, numbness, tingling, or other neurological complaints, seek immediate medical attention.

Kumar encourages parents to make sure their children are up-to-date with vaccines, especially polio vaccine. West Nile virus can also be a factor, so it's important to protect children from mosquito bites.

"Get your children vaccinated, protect them from mosquito bites, all the symptoms are reported to your doctor, but if the symptoms are severe enough, just bring them to the emergency room," said Kumar.

Kumar added that beyond immunization, it is important to have good basic hygiene, such as washing hands, to protect them from various viruses.

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