The Montana restaurant did not host the Republican Rally titled by Trump Jr.


A restaurant in Bozeman, Montana receives criticism from social media conservatives for canceling a campaign event led by Donald Trump Jr. The president's son and friend Kimberly Guilfoyle, former head of Fox News, were expected to attend a demonstration The Republican candidate in the US Senate, Matt Rosedale, Tuesday, September 25.

The event was announced in a statement Tuesday morning, but campaign organizers had to hurry up to find a new location after restaurant manager Jeff Wilcox of Midtown Tavern canceled their booking. Wilcox spoke to several media after the announcement of the campaign to set the record straight, saying he was unaware that the event had been reserved for Midtown Tavern until the release be sent. "We certainly do not want to take a political party. That's never our intention, "says Wilcox at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. "That's not what we are. We are just trying to stay politically neutral, "he says. "We are a restaurant."

Midtown Tavern's position is relatively benign compared to other restaurants in the country that have specifically chosen to eject Trump administration officials. It may be more an act to preserve the autonomy of restaurant management than a true statement against Republicans. In particular, restaurants and bars have been criticized this election season for allowing controversial political candidates to host events on their premises.

Yet Midtown Tavern's self-proclaimed "neutral" policy has inspired many critics as well as some admirers in online journals. "Too political for my taste!" Writes a review of Facebook. "Stop being a democratic Shill," commented another commentator. The restaurant's Yelp page offers a similar mix of positive and negative reviews published within hours of the cancellation of the reservation. "If I could rate this establishment with 6 stars, I would do it," writes Greg B. de Bozeman. "Great food of great drinks Don Jrs. Not welcome. What more could you ask for? "

The Trump administration has supported the Rosedale campaign, which challenges outgoing Democratic Senator Jon Tester, who has two terms. Donald Trump, himself, along with Vice President Mike Pence, went to the area to support the Republican candidate. The Rosedale campaign indicates that more than 200 people attended the event and is now looking for a new location.

• Donald Trump Jr. to Stump for Rosendale to Bozeman, but Location Up in Air [Bozeman Daily Chronicle]• Bozeman Restaurant says it does not organize Rosendale-Trump Jr. event [KMMS AM]• Coverage of all policies [E]

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