The mysterious last-minute effort to stop the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh


The Democrats lost the presidency to Donald Trump. They do not have a majority in Congress. They have been slaughtered in state governments for years. And now, they are setting the conservative majority of the Supreme Court at 5 to 4 unless huge changes occur in the coming weeks.

This is the backdrop against which we get the letter Feinstein.

Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Member of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, the main democrat of this panel, presented Thursday a rather mysterious disclosure. In a statement, Feinstein said she had received a letter regarding Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh from an unknown person who did not want to come forward and who had referred the matter to the FBI. We have since learned only that this had to do with an episode of alleged sexual misconduct in high school involving Kavanaugh in some way.

It sounds a lot like a last chance, Hail Mary, of a Democratic Party that has lost almost all hope of stopping Kavanaugh's appointment. It also has all the strengths of a Democratic party anxious to remove the decorum and respect the rules of President Trump.

Not that the Hail Mary comes necessarily from Feinstein herself. Someone & # 39; a On Wednesday, it was revealed to The Intercept that he was appalled by the Judiciary Committee regarding Feinstein's refusal to share the letter. This story seems to have forced high-ranking Democrats, including Feinstein and Senator Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), To address the issue. And that meant he could not be totally ignored.

At this point, it's also pure insinuation – a holiday that lacks other options.

The committee members deferred a week-long Kavanaugh committee vote on Thursday. From there, it is to the majority of Republicans that Kavanaugh is quickly confirming himself. On top of that, Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), a key vote, seems unconvinced by arguments against Kavanaugh, and Democratic Sen. Red Sen, Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D), reported Wednesday she sees little reason to vote against him up here.

No great democrat has used this letter blatantly to try to change the basic principles of this appointment. But they could be tempted, thanks to an avid base of fights. Anyone who has disclosed this information must know that he has at least forced this conversation and hopes that a Democratic senator (perhaps an aspirant for 2020) could be behind this accusation.

But we have also seen the Democrats tackle this fight and come to a standstill. Before the hearings, the Democrats briefly claimed that the Republicans had stated that there should be no confirmation from the Supreme Court during the election years (it was only in presidential election years). During the hearings and thereafter, the main attack of Democrats against Kavanaugh was take a quote on "abortion-causing drugs" out of context. The moment that Senator Cory Booker (DN.J.) proclaimed self-proclaimed "I am Spartacus" was felt with as much force as was expected from someone declaring her own moment "I am Spartacus".

Through all this, the Democrats have been looking for ways to stop Kavanaugh – or at least to convince their base (and the 2020 voters) that they are doing everything to try. It is possible that we may soon know more about this letter, and it is even possible that there is something legitimate, but in the absence of something concrete, there is little reason to believe that it will affect the result, or even delay it.

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