The mystery of the size of some dinosaurs is one step closer to solving


We know that dinosaurs like Brontosaurus were the greatest creatures to ever have walked on the earth. Weighing up to 90 tons, these huge beasts are a mystery because their ancestors are much smaller.

And it 's there that comes on stage a 185 million year old dinosaur called Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis. It is thought that Sarahsaurus belonged to all the dinosaurs that preceded the sauropods.

Sarahsaurus also has excellent remains, which has enabled palaeontologists to better understand their anatomy and their relationships with their cousins.

Reaching up to 90 tons, Brontosaurus was the largest terrestrial creature to roam the earth

Adam Marsh, a paleontologist in the Petrified Forest National Park, said that "Sarahsaurus preserves in her anatomy the anatomical changes that occurred in the evolutionary lineage of the Upper Triassic and the Early Jurassic".

Marsh continued, "It can help us understand how to become great."

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Two specimens studied were discovered in 1997 by Professor Timothy Rowe. While the skull was missing, the remains are in very good condition.

Sarahsaurus was a lazy-like creature who stood and walked on her hind legs. His fore limbs were powerful and his claws were curved on the first finger of each hand. It also shows how later relationships would increase their size and lengthen their cervical vertebrae.

Marsh went on to say: "We have two individuals from the same hole in the ground, with different bumps and grooves on their femur, which lends itself very well to this complete anatomical description and it will be very important to be able to compare the anatomy of the dinosaurs ".

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