The name of Christ is "not negotiable" as the center of the name of the church, says President Nelson


SALT LAKE CITY – President Russell M. Nelson said at the General Conference of the Faith Sunday morning that Jesus Christ has been named The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It shocks him and erases his name when people give him a nickname.

The church president gave a detailed, clear and passionate explanation, for his announcement six weeks ago, that faith would no longer use nicknames such as "Mormon Church" or "Church of God". the SDJ ". He said that his focus on the full name is not a name change, not a new branding, not a cosmetic appearance, not a whim and not inconsequential.

"Instead, it's a correction," he said. "It's the Lord's command."

He became emotional when he said that the church itself, the administration and the members, had perpetuated nicknames that did not include the name of Christ, "subtly neglecting everything. that Jesus Christ did for us, even his atonement. "

"After all that he had endured," said President Nelson, his voice trembling slightly, "after all that he had done for humanity, I realize with deep regret that we have unwittingly agreed that the restored church of the Lord be called by other names, erase the sacred name of Jesus Christ ".

He noted that the reaction to the focus on the full name of the church had been mixed, but dismissed concerns about this world's arguments, such as branding and the strategy. search engine optimization.

"When the Savior clearly states the name of his church and even precedes his declaration," so will he call my church – he is serious. "

He called the question "non-negotiable".

"For much of the world, the Lord's church is currently disguised as a" Mormon church, "he said, adding that it was misleading for church members to be frustrated, while others used nicknames if the church and its members did the same.

He said that Christ should be at the center of the life of his members and that the church is filled with the power of Christ.

"I promise you," added President Nelson, that if we do our best to restore the correct name of the Lord's church, the one that's the church will spread its power and its blessings on the heads of Latter-day Saints, the likes we have never seen ".

While President Nelson urged the church to keep the name of Christ at the center of the church's name, other speakers in the morning session placed Christ at the center of their messages.

A few days after the death of his wife, one of them spoke in a revealing manner of the revelation made by the Latter-day Saints of Christ's visit to the spirit world and his promise that the families can be reunited. Another said that forgiveness and the abandonment of offenses are at the heart of the majesty of Christ's Atonement.

Sister Barbara Ballard passed away on Monday. On Sunday, her husband, President Russell Russell Ballard, opened the morning session by touchingly speaking on the meaning of his great-grandfather's vision of the redemption of the dead on the 100th anniversary of a New Year's Day. essential writing and doctrine of Latter-day Saints.

On the basis of this "heavenly revelation", "I am grateful to know that my precious Barbara will live and that we will be together again with our family for all eternity," said President Ballard, Acting President of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

He said that he had prepared his speech for the Sunday morning session of the 188th Biannual General Conference of the Faith a few weeks before the death of Sister Ballard, then that he had evoked the grief that had torn Joseph apart. F. Smith in October 1918 as a result of deaths in his immediate family.

"I am speechless – (numb) of sorrow!" President Smith wrote after the loss of his eldest son that year, one of 13 children whom he had seen die. "My heart is broken and floats for life! O! I loved it! I will love it forever."

As a child, President Smith lost his father, Hyrum Smith, his uncle Joseph Smith, and his mother, Mary Fielding Smith. During his life, he also lost two women, 13 children, a brother and two sisters.

A few weeks before his death at age 80, President Smith also lamented the loss of 20 million people during the First World War and 70 to 120 million people during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

Then he received the vision on the eve of the general conference.

"The revelation that he received on October 3 comforted his heart and provided answers to many of his questions," said his great-grandson, President Ballard.

President Smith saw Christ visit the dead in the spirit world and bring others to preach the gospel to them. He also saw his father Hyrum and his uncle Joseph.

"The vision revealed in greater detail the depth and breadth of Heavenly Father's plan for His children, the redeeming love of Christ and the unparalleled power of His Atonement," said President Ballard.

"In this 100th special anniversary," he added, "I invite you to read this revelation carefully, may the Lord bless you to better understand and appreciate the love of God and His plan of salvation and happiness for His blessings. children. "

Jeffrey R. Holland, of the Quorum of the Twelve, and the general president of the Young Women of the Church, Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, spoke about the church's six-month church program on Christ.

Brother Holland has focused on the ministry of forgiveness.

"The miracle of reconciliation is still possible for us," he said, adding that forgiveness and the abandonment of offenses, old or new, are at the heart of the greatness of the Atonement of Jesus. -Christ. "

Those who have access to it should then serve others.

Elder Holland said: "Jesus asks us to be instruments of his grace, to be" ambassadors of Christ "in the" ministry of reconciliation. "… The healer of every wound, the one who is right, asks us to work with him on the daunting task of restoring peace in a world that will not find it otherwise. "

Sister Cordon said the members had to develop the heart of a shepherd to become effective minister sisters and brothers. She said that members can become shepherds that God and his prophet need to become, knowing and numbering his sheep, watching over them and bringing them together in the lap of God.

Numbering the sheep of the Lord is not about the numbers, she said, "it is about making every person feel the Savior's love through someone else." one who serves him. "

"I hope your recipients will see you as a friend," she added, "and realize that in you, they have a champion and a confidant – someone who is aware of their situation and who supports them in their hopes and aspirations. "

Another speaker, Neil L. Andersen, of the Quorum of the Twelve, mentioned that President Nelson himself had lost his daughter to cancer in the mid-1990s and was based on the the doctrine of Latter-day Saints to comfort themselves. The first wife of President Nelson has also died.

Brother Andersen said that he was certain that the soul of every person would be hurt at some point. He cited the example of Richard Norby, one of the missionaries of Latter-day Saints injured in the bomb attack perpetrated against the airport of Belgium in 2016.

"Parallel to the bright colors of happiness and joy, the trials and tragedies of darker colors are deeply rooted in the structure of our Father's plan," he said, adding that his message was intended for Norby & # 39; s and others faced with unexpected and painful events. trials and challenges.

"These struggles, though difficult, often become our greatest teachers," he said, because "in the crucible of earthly trials, while we remain patient, the healing power of the Savior brings light, understanding, peace and hope ".

He said the temple is a soothing balm for wounded souls.

"Whatever the depth of your soul's wounds, regardless of their source, where they occur or not, and for the duration or duration of their persistence, you must not perish spiritually. to live spiritually, and to live and grow in your faith and trust in God. "

Shayne M. Bowen described the Book of Mormon as "the most powerful conversion tool ever".

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"This is what we do as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: we seek to lead the world to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and convert it to this gospel. . We are the day pickers. "

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that President Russell Ballard was Acting President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Ballard is Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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