The national anthem is racist, and we made a video in case you forgot


One thing that has not changed: the Star-Spangled banner is still racist.

Originally titled "Defense of the Fort M & # 39; Henry", the anthem was written in 1814 by a white guy named Francis Scott Key – a man who owned slaves and thought that they were a "inferior race of people", who were not trustworthy. and indolent.

As a lieutenant in the Battle of Bladensburg, Key and his men, got their irons on the battlefield by American slaves fleeing the Colonial Marines, who fought as sailors and soldiers for the British in exchange for their freedom. And in the little-known stanza of the Star-Spangled banner, Francis Scott Key applauds the black soldiers.

In his article titled "Starry Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem," Jason Johnson, political editor of The Root, reintroduced this story into the memory of the nation [19659002] "Anyone who tries to reformat, and reboot, and restore and play linguistic gymnastics, and see this stanza as something other than what it was, is trying to put their 2018 attitudes as a way of rationalizing and justifying this which was endemic white supremacy, white nationalism and bigotry on the part of a man who lived to create what is supposed to be one of the most patriotic songs in American history, "said Johnson

See the above video

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