The neighborhood celebrates early Christmas for a two-year-old boy who dies of brain cancer


CINCINNATI, OHIO – It's only in September and we are in peak season since the winter, but an area of ​​Ohio is already decorated for Christmas. Several homes in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Colerain Township, have installed their Christmas lights and hung wreaths on their doors. The premature Christmas celebration is an effort to encourage the party to 2-year-old Brody Allen, who suffers from rare brain cancer and could live only a few weeks.

Brody was diagnosed with cancer in May of this year. When Brody got sick, the doctors first told his family that the child could have an ear infection. When her mother and older sister, McKenzie, took him to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital, they realized that his condition was much worse. Doctors found a mass on his brainstem, and subsequent tests determined that it was a tumor.

"The doctors told us that he had brain cancer," said his sister McKenzie Allen, 21, at CBS News. Mr. Brody had four rare tumors of the ETMR (embryonic tumor with multilayer rosettes), and the worst was related to his brainstem, Allen said.

The little boy started chemotherapy, but after three or four months of treatment, no progress was made. In fact, Brody was getting worse, he now had a fifth tumor. "It was a devastating news," Allen said. On August 4, Brody stopped receiving treatment. He had to have about two months to live – and that was five weeks ago.

"When Brody's chemotherapy treatment ended, we promised ourselves that we would be doing his best every day," said his older sister. "And we wanted to do everything we could and give him as much joy and happiness as possible, even if he has little time left."

At just 2 years old, Brody does not understand her illness. "Bless his heart," said Allen. "He knows he can not walk and he knows he can not use his left arm anymore, but that's about it … He does not let him stop. may not run, but he's learned to crawl again. "Brody is still a happy and smiling boy, but his family is heartbroken. He will probably not be at Christmas, a holiday that he likes.

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Brody Allen loves Christmas, but doctors say the two-year-old baby will probably not be going to Christmas this year because of his five tumors.

Allen said his mother had created a Facebook group called "Team Brody" to get support when the cancer was diagnosed in the toddler. The Allens used the page to keep their family abreast of Brody's health, but the group continued to grow with his friends and other people interested in Brody's story.

The family had the idea of ​​celebrating Christmas early to bring Brody the joy of the holiday season, but they did not have many outdoor decorations for their home. So they posted a message in the Facebook group asking for help. "We asked for decorations and honestly, I do not even know who donated," Allen said. "I feel horrible to have said that, but they just went through there, complete strangers."

Allen says it's not just a few people who have brought Christmas decorations, but a lot of people. "A gentleman named Ryan … he's doing the Cincinnati Christmas lights, and he just came over and donated a band and he keeps coming back," Allen said. "And he helped install more lights yesterday."

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Volunteers donated Christmas decorations so the Allen family could celebrate the holidays early.

Once the Allen house was decorated with a decor, their neighbors wanted to participate in the party. "Our neighbors … they put their decorations right next to us, and it keeps getting bigger," Allen said. She said the decorations started with people in their cul-de-sac and spread to other neighborhoods and even to other states.

"He loves it," Allen said of his younger brother. "His speech is weakened, so he has a hard time talking now, but he has the cutest little frog voice, so the first night we turned off lights – which is just now – we have got out in his little wagon the biggest "wow!"

"Every day he wakes up and he has the Christmas lights on the outside and the tree inside and he is so happy … he is delighted," she said. declared.

Allen said that Brody liked to see the Christmas lights during his first holiday season last year. The family went around the neighborhood to admire the decorations. This year his attitude has not changed and the decorations have had the whole neighborhood in the spirit of Christmas.

"I think [Christmas] it's more than just lights, it's a feeling. And for everyone, the Christmas spirit has arrived early this year … and extends to everyone, even to our neighbors, "Allen said.

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