The new Amazon store has an integrated advantage that only Amazon could do


The new Amazon store in New York opened yesterday. And he has a unique advantage to Amazon.

One of the underestimated success secrets of the company is the way it has convinced millions of people to write reviews of almost every product on the site. This wealth of content generated by users, all freely acquired, is an asset that could be worth several millions on its own.

This makes Amazon 4 stars very intriguing. All that is for sale is ranked above four stars on or otherwise designated as new and trendy. The names of card games, for example. Or a mini cast iron stove.

It's not Amazon Go, the cashless point of sale that started nine months ago in Seattle and spread to Chicago last week. It's rather a traditional selling point, with cashiers and everything in between. It offers preferential prices for core members and higher catalog prices for everyone – much like Amazon Books, the bookstore that now has offices in nine states and Washington DC.

It is not yet known if Amazon 4 stars will sell Christmas trees, which the company will present online in November.

Here is what it is worth reading today:

The only time that cost Brian Acton $ 850 million

Here's a fascinating detail of this profile from WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton. When Acton met Mark Zuckerberg to negotiate a Facebook release, Zuckerberg brought in a lawyer. Acton did not, and finally took Facebook's offer of a strange sense of moral responsibility.

The decision cost him $ 850 million in shares he did not acquire by virtue of his departure .– Parmy Olson, Forbes

"A brand new low level standard"

David Marcus, head of blockchain initiatives on Facebook, typed a lengthy Facebook post, refuting Forbes' profile and criticizing Acton.

"Call me old," he writes. "But I find that the attack on people and the company has made you a billionaire … a whole new middle class standard." This is a fascinating and unguarded look at how Facebook's executives interact and really hear .– Hanna Kozlowska, Quartz (plus Marcus's Facebook post is here)

When to ask for forgiveness rather than permission is illegal

An OpenTable employee has just been arrested for making 300 false restaurant reservations through the application of a competing company or, as the federal government called it, "wire fraud".

Between this and the guy who went to jail in Italy for writing false reviews on TripAdvisor, it could be that everyone on the Internet is not telling the truth .– Soo Youn, ABC News and Bill Murphy Jr., Inc. .com

Treasure these airline reward cards while you can still

Target, Home Depot and Amazon, as well as others, are fighting against the rule of honor of all cards. This is how Visa and Mastercard ensure that if you accept a type of their cards, you must accept all their cards.

Retailers would like to choose and refuse those that best reward consumers because they charge higher fees. Win or lose, this effort could reshape the credit card industry .– AnnaMaria Andriotis, The Wall Street Journal

You want to work for Elon Musk – for free?

Last week, someone suggested to Musk on Twitter (or elsewhere?) That he and the other Tesla owners would be "DELIGHTED" to help new owners acclimate to their new vehicles. Free.

Musk, of course, quickly accepted – and extended the offer to all current Tesla owners .– Guadalupe Gonzalez,

The new Amazon store in New York opened yesterday. And he has an advantage that is unique to Amazon.


One of the underrated secrets of the company is the way it has convinced millions of people to write reviews on almost every product on the site. This wealth of content generated by users, all freely acquired, is an asset that could be worth several millions on its own.


This makes Amazon 4 stars very intriguing. All that is for sale is ranked above four stars on or otherwise designated as new and trendy. The names of card games, for example. Or a mini cast iron stove.


It's not Amazon Go, the no-cash shop that started nine months ago in Seattle and has expanded to Chicago last week. It's more of a traditional selling point, with cashiers and everything in between. It offers preferential prices for core members and higher catalog prices for everyone - much like Amazon Books, the bookstore that now has offices in nine states and Washington DC.


It is not yet known if Amazon 4 stars will sell Christmas trees, which the company will present online in November.


Here is what is worth reading today:


The only time that cost Brian Acton $ 850 million


Here's a fascinating detail of this profile from WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton. When Acton met Mark Zuckerberg to negotiate a Facebook release, Zuckerberg brought in a lawyer. Acton did not, and finally took the Facebook offer with a strange sense of moral responsibility.


The decision cost him $ 850 million in equity that he did not acquire by virtue of his departure. - Parmy Olson, Forbes


"A brand new low level standard"


David Marcus, head of Facebook's Facebook initiatives, typed a long Facebook post, refuting Forbes' profile and criticizing Acton.


"Call me old," he writes. "But I find that the attack on people and the company has made you a billionaire ... a whole new middle class standard." This is a fascinating and unguarded look at how Facebook's executives interact and really hear .-- Hanna Kozlowska, Quartz (plus Marcus's Facebook post here)


When to ask for forgiveness rather than permission is illegal


An OpenTable employee has just been arrested for making 300 fake restaurant reservations through the application of a competing business or, as the federal government says, "wire fraud".


Between this and the guy who went to jail in Italy for writing false reviews on TripAdvisor, it could be that everyone on the Internet is not telling the truth .-- Soo Youn, ABC News and Bill Murphy Jr., Inc. .com


Treasure these airline reward cards while you can still


Target, Home Depot and Amazon, as well as others, are fighting against the rule of honor of all cards. This is how Visa and Mastercard ensure that if you accept a type of their cards, you must accept all their cards.


Retailers would like to choose and refuse those that best reward consumers because they charge higher fees. Win or lose, this effort could reshape the credit card industry .-- AnnaMaria Andriotis, The Wall Street Journal


You want to work for Elon Musk - for free?


Last week, someone suggested to Musk on Twitter (or elsewhere?) That he and the other Tesla owners would be "DELIGHTED" to help new owners acclimate to their new vehicles. Free.


Musk, of course, quickly accepted - and extended the offer to all current Tesla owners .-- Guadalupe Gonzalez,

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