The new dwarf planet could point the way to planet X [Infographic]


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The orbit of a dwarf planet known as Goblin has been confirmed. Spotted for the first time in October 2015 with the help of the Japanese Subaru telescope, the planet would have a width of about 186 km and would be spherical. Scientists know little about this new dwarf planet. It took 3 years just to confirm its orbit. They still do not know what it's made of or even the color of the surface. This is mainly due to the distance that separates the planet from the Earth, which is currently well beyond Pluto

The goblin, also known as 2015-TG387, has an elongated orbit, which means that its nearest point is about 65 AU from the sun and, in the extreme, about 2,300 AU from the Sun. Pluto is about 49.3 AU from the farthest sun. It takes about 40,000 years for The Goblin to make its way around the Sun. At the present time, the goblin was about 80 AU from the Sun, which is close enough for scientists to know more about its orbit.

Hopefully we'll learn more about this new dwarf planet over time. For the moment, there is one more thing that makes this planet so interesting. This dwarf planet is part of a group of three that provides evidence of a theory on a planet not discovered in our solar system.

The unknown planet

Three dwarf planets named The Goblin, Sedna and 2012-VP113 all have an elongated orbit and these orbits are all indicated in the same space. In a solar system where we have 8 other planets that have more circular orbits around the Sun, it's a strange thing to find. Which means that there might be another large object out there that provoked the behavior of these dwarf planets. The theory is that there is another planet, about 10 times larger than the Earth, which revolves around 600 to 1,000 AU of the Sun.

This object is commonly known as Planet X and this new information backs up the idea that it exists. That being said, it still does not prove that there is another planet. Up to now all we have is a theory that corresponds to the facts.

Information on the new dwarf planet and planet XKander10 Designs

To learn more about The Goblin and Planet X, please visit our friends at NASA.


The orbit of a dwarf planet known as Goblin has been confirmed. Spotted for the first time in October 2015 with the help of the Japanese Subaru telescope, the planet would have a width of about 186 km and would be spherical. Scientists know little about this new dwarf planet. It took 3 years just to confirm its orbit. They still do not know what it's made of or even the color of the surface. This is mainly due to the distance that separates the planet from the Earth, which is currently well beyond Pluto

The goblin, also known as 2015-TG387, has an elongated orbit, which means that its nearest point is about 65 AU from the sun and, in the extreme, about 2,300 AU from the Sun. Pluto is about 49.3 AU from the farthest sun. It takes about 40,000 years for The Goblin to make its way around the Sun. At the present time, the goblin was about 80 AU from the Sun, which is close enough for scientists to know more about its orbit.

Hopefully we'll learn more about this new dwarf planet over time. For the moment, there is one more thing that makes this planet so interesting. This dwarf planet is part of a group of three that provides evidence of a theory on a planet not discovered in our solar system.

The unknown planet

Three dwarf planets named The Goblin, Sedna and 2012-VP113 all have an elongated orbit and these orbits are all indicated in the same space. In a solar system where we have 8 other planets that have more circular orbits around the Sun, it's a strange thing to find. Which means that there might be another large object out there that provoked the behavior of these dwarf planets. The theory is that there is another planet, about 10 times larger than the Earth, which revolves around 600 to 1,000 AU of the Sun.

This object is commonly known as Planet X and this new information backs up the idea that it exists. That being said, it still does not prove that there is another planet. Up to now all we have is a theory that corresponds to the facts.

Information on the new dwarf planet and planet XKander10 Designs

To learn more about The Goblin and Planet X, please visit our friends at NASA.

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