The new Kylie Jenner story on Instagram about Travis Scott has fans buzzing about the status of their relationship


When it comes to keeping the terms of his private life privateIt's no secret that Kylie Jenner is basically a brain. And, with regard to hiding at the sight is concerned? Yes, Kylie also wrote the rulebook on this one. So it's not surprising that Kylie Jenner's new story on Instagram from Travis Scott, which seems to suggest that the pair is at least happily committed and making serious plans for the future, its followers are on maximum alert.

After all, there is someone who understands the full extent of Kylie's ability to keep secret the major stages of her life (or just enough anyway), it's his fans. And, since these same fans have been almost totally ignored about Kylie's first pregnancy last year – despite the fact that Kylie has regularly traded with them on social media – it makes sense They keep an eye open for another secret of the size of Stormi Webster preparing behind the scenes.

The hubbub started for the first time Saturday night, October 6, after Kylie uploaded her story on Instagram with images of her man playing on Saturday Night Live. In a daring legend covering the first IG video of the evening, where we see an enlarged photo of the rapper in the middle of his set, Kylie wrote "Hubby" followed by three emojis. Naturally, the post has sparked serious speculation from fans, some of whom were wondering if it was just a smart way for Kylie to let them know that she and Scott had secretly married. Or, at least think about it.

Kylie Jenner / Instagram Story

Typically for Kylie, the social media specialist did not offer him GI, regardless of context, as to the meaning of this legend, if any. (Although the couple's fans may love the idea of ​​a secret wedding, it seems equally possible that the legend of Kylie in IG Story simply uses a sweet romantic name for his partner.) But, although the internet has no answer to the question of "husband" for now, Kylie spoke more about her relationship during an interview with Snapchat with her longtime friend, Jordyn Woods, a little later Saturday night.

Those who watched the questions and answers know that the official status of the relationship of Kylie and Scott (ie, do they go out together? Engaged? Married?) N & # 39; did not appear during this conversation. But Kylie has talked a lot about her personal plans for the future. And, although she may not have said that to Woods in particular, it seems that Kylie is preparing these plans thinking of Stormi's father. Kylie told Woods whether she would have another baby or not, but the question of knowing exactly when stay in the air. "I'm really not ready yet," she said to her friend, which makes sense, since Stormi was born less than a year ago.

Nevertheless, judging from the rest of her comments to Woods, it really seems like Kylie has already thought a lot about Baby No. 2. "Have I thought about baby names for my next baby?" said Kylie during the Q & A. "I have it, but I have not found anything that I love love, "she continued, but added that she" certainly [wants] Another girl, hopefully. "Of course, the fact that Kylie plans to add a new member to her growing family does not necessarily mean that she would like to undertake this trip with Stormi's father for the second time.

That said, after hearing his very comforting comments to Woods about the father-daughter relationship of Scott and Stormi, it seems that the two are closer than ever. Speaking of Stormi's personality during question period, Kylie revealed that her daughter looked in many ways like a father:

"They have this crazy connection and she's definitely the daughter of a dad … When daddy is here, [it’s like] I'm not even here. "

And, sensational, anyone else who wants to have access to some of these personal videos? For those who are still struggling to answer the marriage question, it seems that, just like the question about last year's persistent pregnancy, she answers herself in due course. Until then, you'll just have to settle for Kylie and her "husband" (whatever that means), while still being loving partners and parents.

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