The new Quantum compass could replace the GPS and change the way we navigate on Earth


British researchers at Imperial College London and quantum technology specialist M Squared have come up with a new way to determine where you are in the world.

Their so-called quantum compass measures the motions of supercooled atoms using a quantum accelerometer which, unlike previous accelerometers, remains accurate over time and does not require external references. Built over five years with funding of $ 346 million (£ 270 million) from the British government, you probably will not find the compass three feet wide and three feet tall under the Christmas tree or in your smartphone, potential to radically change the way we navigate the world. Here's how:

It's ultra secure

Unlike GPS and other navigation methods that rely on a satellite navigation system (GNSS), the quantum compass does not rely on any external reference. This makes the device much more inviolable than current navigation technology. GPS, for example, can be hacked or stolen, which has important consequences for military and commercial navigation. As the quantum compass is completely autonomous, it is not vulnerable to such attacks.

But it's not just the malicious threats against which the compass protects. It will also continue to work if, for any reason, we can not get in touch with our satellites.

It's incredibly accurate

The consumer GPS, like that of your phone, has an accuracy of about 15 feet. The military grade GPS is accurate to a few centimeters. But even this level of accuracy can be easily interrupted by something as simple as a large building. The quantum compass is able to accurately measure minute changes.

It's amazingly profitable

It's counterintuitive to say that a compass costing hundreds of millions of dollars to build was a good deal, but it's actually the case when we consider that a single day without access to satellites would cost the United Kingdom nearly $ 1.3 billion (£ 1). billion). With the Brexit on the horizon and the uncertainties surrounding UK access to the Galileo system of this country, the costs of such an assumption regarding satellite access might seem a bit more real.

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