The New Royal Family Portraits Super Fun Showcase Side Of The Brood – PHOTOS


The royal gang is here, and this time, they are actually reminding us of the average, non-royal clan. (AKA, ourselves.) On Tuesday, the Prince Charles' Clarence House shared the new royal family portraits in celebration of his 70th birthday. The photos include Prince William, Kate Middleton, their children, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla. Aside from the location, attracts, and pretty much everything about the photos, there is one aspect that makes them pretty relatable.

The happy family is pictured in the garden of Clarence House, all effortlessly wearing combinations of white and navy. Standing beside her husband, Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton is holding her six-month-old son, Prince Louis of Cambridge. Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, who hangs next to grandma Camilla on a bench. The eldest grandchild, Prince George of Cambridge (5), sits upon grandpa Charles' lap. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, remainder of the family, standing side-by-side.

As always, they were wearing their sillier side. In one photo, the gang is looking straight ahead, smiling and poised. In the other, though, they're loose, some laughing, leaned over, pointing, and looking away from the camera. And we thought we were the only ones who did one serious and one silly photo …

Exhibit A: Serious

Exhibit B: Silly

Because who can hold it together all the time? Seemingly, no one. Not even a royal. Maybe soon we're going to get started Instagram story updates from inside Buckingham Palace … or is that asking for too much?

Needless to say, fans are loving these photos and see three generations of royalty in the sweet portraits (especially how relatable they are).

Although the royal baby is not in these pictures, pictures of Meghan Markle's growing in the air in the last few days. On Sunday night, Markle and Prince Harry honored the Centenary of the Armistice at Westminster Abbey, where he was most visible.

The Duchess of Sussex wore a sleek, two-piece navy together with a belt just above her belly to accentuate her bun in the oven. The royal couple announced they were expecting their first child in October through a statement from Kensington Palace just months after tying the knot in May.

Leon Neal / Getty Images News / Getty Images

As far as Prince William and his bunch, they seem pretty happy as a family of five … for now. In May, a source told Us Weekly that "their dream was always to have three kids." But that they are not ruling adding to the crew. "Never say never," the source added.

Another royal insider assured that there are no sibling rivalries (at least not yet). "Charlotte is really enjoying having a younger brother with her." "Charlotte is just like [George]. They have a great bond, and a similar connection is growing between Charlotte and Louis. "

But seriously, when will we get those inside-the-palace IG stories? Perhaps one day.

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