The new speech by Jeremy Corbyn


Jeremy Corbyn

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Eleven ovations, the obligatory singing of the anthem "oh, Jeremy Corbyn" inspired White Stripes, with the man himself, a bit of impromptu hissing of Barry Gardiner, one of his more great defenders, and a little over an hour.

The Labor leader left the platform after his fourth keynote speech.

And it was Corbyn's classic comfort zone, acclaimed by party members, explaining his fundamental belief that Britain was not right and that a bigger state with Labor at the helm is the solution.

We've heard some of his biggest hits for party members – critical of the Tories' ties to billionaires, big acclaim for his stubborn defense of Palestinian rights, long passages on how the economy, from his point of view , develop child care, green energy and build more social housing.

  • Work is "ready" to govern – Corbyn
  • Reality Check: What is the Brexit Plan for Labor?

There was also a significant demand at the conference for more tolerance towards each other, a plea to "shout less and listen more," with recognition of anti-Semitism. what's wrong?

And in his ultimate blossoming, he reiterated the request he made previously to Westminster, namely that if Theresa May can not get a decent EU deal, she should "get down to the "Gap".

There is no change in party politics, but Mr Corbyn does not want to be seen as if he was trying to block Brexit, so he clarified that if the prime minister could meet the conditions of work, they would vote for his agreement.

Except that, remember, few of them believe that it will happen.

And it was only yesterday that the message that was broadcast at the conference was that the party is preparing to vote against the agreement. Insiders suggest that he is trying to throw the glove to the prime minister before what will almost inevitably be a torrid week at his party's conference.

The Labor Conference is more comfortable this year, and this speech was designed to show the rest of the country that this party has strong, credible and elaborate answers to the questions of the day.

Skepticism about his program is still strong in Westminster's parliamentary party.

However, despite tensions over the EU, this Liverpool rally has more or less shown that the Labor Party left the crisis when Mr Corbyn took office.

Party conferences are always a showcase for leaders to show their products to the rest of the country.

The biggest team in Labor is convinced that the country has moved to the left since the crash, this sentiment is evolving towards a desire to increase the state, for a new regulation.

Today, Mr. Corbyn has attempted to portray himself as defining what he termed "new common sense". In the end, it is the electorate who can decide.

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