The new TV series Marvel Female Superheroes is being developed by the writer 'Wonder Woman'.


Marvel TV Series Wonder Woman Writers

ABC is still developing a new television series Marvel Television, this time focused on "female characters with superpowers" reports. The series comes from Wonder Woman writer Allan Heinberg, with ABC having already given the project a production commitment. It is said that the series will be another drama of one hour, with word that he could focus on "lesser-known Marvel characters."

Marvel TV's manager, Jeff Loeb, will lead the production alongside Heinberg, although details about the characters in the series are not yet known. Pretty interesting, Deadline mentions A-Force, Lady Liberators and Fearless Defenders among Marvel's darkest female properties – but nothing indicates that speculation is an index of the content of the show.

This announcement comes right after Marvel Studios has ambitious new plans for its TV content. In addition to this new TV series, Marvel will be launching new content on Marvel TV on Disney's upcoming streaming service – in particular miniseries focusing on the Marvel Universe Universe's leading characters. Loki of Tom Hiddleston and Scarlet Witch of Elizabeth Olsen have already been named as two of the first characters to receive such treatment, with the potential for great expansion. In addition to ABC and the Disney streaming service, Marvel's live TV content still includes Marvel Netflix, from Hulu's series. runaways, and FreeForm Cape and Dagger series – all of which have had strong reviews and praise.

However, ABC was also behind the biggest failure of Marvel TV: this time last year, ABC's Marvel & # 39; s inhuman was struggling to arouse interest from viewers, having failed to attract the public as an event of the IMAX series. It goes without saying, inhuman finally failed on (really) large and small screens, putting pressure on ABC to launch a new successful Marvel TV project. In fact, the network struggled to launch its three previous Marvel television projects: SHIELD Agents have encountered the cancellation several times before imposing it as a cult; Agent Carter limped to a two-season finish in the ratings; and inhuman did not spend season 1. That's not to say the SHIELD Agents spinoff starring agents Lance Hunter (Nick Blood) and Bobbi "Mockingbird" Morse (Adrianne Palicki) who never took off – or the "secret project" of writer John Ridely of 12 Years A Slave who stagnated in the production.

That's all to say: the odds are against this new series of female superheroes who succeed on ABC, but maybe someone like Heinberg will be the lucky charm? If nothing else, ABC needs the next Marvel show to potentially become the successor of SHIELD Agents, which is only losing more and more steam, and will not even come back until 2019. However, the timing could not be better: thanks to the beginnings of Captain Marvel trailer, the desire of the fans for the female superheroes MCUe is currently at its highest level.

We will keep you updated on the status of Marvel's new female superhero series as the information is revealed.

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