The New York Times confirms the "boogeyman" of the "deep" state, boosts conspiracies


drop shadow
The deep state says hello.
Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

The idea that an obscure bureaucracy of unelected bureaucrats secretly leads the United States – against the demonstrated will of the people and unknowingly – has long been the subject of conspiracy theories. But on Wednesday night, the New York Times offered a gift to those who believed it.

"I'm part of the resistance inside the Trump administration," headlines the main article in an unnamed editorial of the Times, whose author has been identified only as a senior official of the administration Trump.

A sub-heading written in the first person added that the author and some of his colleagues "vowed to thwart parts" of President Donald Trump's program and his worst inclinations.

The author basically claims that Trump is an amoral and dangerous president and that without this network, the nation would be much worse.

But rather than publicly ousting a president characterized by the article as undemocratic, the author suggests that the anonymous group has quietly worked to deregulate markets, reduce taxes, and reduce taxes. increase in military spending.

According to the author, it seems appropriate to keep Trump as president to advance these classic republican causes.

The stated purpose of the officer in writing the article is that "Americans should know that there are adults in the room".

However, the secret of these people is who these adults are, what they want for the country and what their power is.

We are all conspiracy theorists now

Alex Jones of Infowars and Trump campaign advisor, Roger Stone, have long defended the idea of ​​a "deep state".
Ben Jackson / Getty Images for SiriusXM

Marginal media and the far right have long argued that a so-called deep state holds true power to the government and that the American public has been fooled into thinking that they live in a legitimate democracy. The deep state is composed of unelected officials, often in bureaucratic career roles that survive administrations.

The author acknowledged these fears in The Times on Wednesday, avoiding the phrase "deep state" in favor of another "steady state".

Major American media, including CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and the New York Times itself, have all rejected the concept of deep state, at least in the United States, of fantasy, conspiracy, or right-wing propaganda. disconnected from reality. .

On Thursday morning, these same newsrooms will browse the text of the opinion piece looking for clues to find out who wrote it. The use of the word "lodestar" has persuaded some that Vice President Mike Pence, who frequently uses the obscure word, wrote the article. But maybe someone else wrote and used "lodestar" as a distraction?

Pence, of course, appeared on the 2016 ballot. Characterizing the author as a senior government official might also suggest a direct appointment of Trump.

Anyway, with The Times publishing the editorial, mainstream American media and conspiracy theorists converged on the hunt for the same thing.

No betrayal, but maybe a sweet shot

President Donald Trump with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
Andrew Harnik / AP

Trump responded to the article in the bombshell with a tweet of one word: "TREASON?"

Although the article probably does not correspond to the legal definition of treason, it is clear that anonymous actors have overthrown the normal rule of the US government.

It is unclear whether Americans have been reassured by the opinion piece, which simultaneously promises stable leadership and an open mutiny in the White House.

American presidents derive their authority from the elections, where the American public participates in democracy to choose a leader. The Times article suggests that the country's current leadership may have little to do with democracy and much to do with an anonymous group advancing a Republican agenda.

It also gave a huge boost to the conspiracy theorists who have long talked about a deep state boogeyman, who might have been able to come out of the shadows on Wednesday and told them. " Hello".

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