The newly discovered moons of Jupiter went through "a lot of violence"


Apparently, it is only one kilometer wide, which means it's the smallest moon discovered by scientists orbiting the planet, and that it takes a year and a half to do a complete turn around Jupiter

January 2016 Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown of Caltech, who discovered what Sheppard and Trujillo found, announced that they had found evidence of a such a giant planet traveling in a strange and distant orbit in the confines of the solar system. [19659002] A number of ground-based telescopes in Chile and the United States were used to discover the new moons of Jupiter. As you can imagine, it is much more than any other planet in our solar system can boast. It has a diameter of 3,273 miles (5,268 km). According to the scientist, the problem is that this moon is the only one in its region to turn in the opposite direction to the other moons surrounding it. As they searched for distant objects, or even planets beyond Pluto, they also chose to look at the celestial bodies that revolved around Jupiter.

What does the research team say? oddball and has an orbit like no other known jovian moon. "In which they have described ten on the recent Tuesday.According to the reports and conclusions of astronomers, there has recently been the addition of moons in orbit on the planet As the team noted in his announcement, "Elucidating the complex influences that shaped the orbital history of a moon can teach scientists the early years of our solar system." This was concluded after several orbits were seen around Jupiter by the Astronomers' Union in Washington DC, so we think they are intermediate between rock asteroids and icy comets. "So it's probably half of ice and half of stone. "

" It's really exciting to be part of a team where we are not only looking for an unknown planet in our solar system, but at the same time we can search for exciting things like new moon Jupiter, "said Trujillo. This satellite rotates in the same general manner as all retrograde satellites, but in the opposite direction.

The university says that moons are so weak that they are not all visible in one photo, only when multiple images are combined

. According to Sheppard, Jupiter and Saturn can have the same amount of moons around them. There could be many unknown little moons around Saturn.

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