The NFL admits that a lost whistle cost Cleveland Browns


The NFL on Friday acknowledged that a stray whistle cost a recovery escaped the Cleveland Browns after their 45-42 loss in overtime against the Oakland Raiders last Sunday.

The game, one of the controversial calls in the game, was rolled out with 6 minutes and 39 seconds of regulation time. Raiders quarterback Derek Carr lost control of the ball after Myles Garrett and Genard Avery, Browns defensemen, hit him on a 38-yard line in Oakland. Garrett recovered and started a return to the end zone.

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But referee Walt Anderson intervened, believing that a whistle had sounded before the breakaway because Carr's progress stopped. Anderson made the game prevail and the Raiders beat in fourth place.

In a weekly video magazine published on Twitter, NFL Senior Vice President Al Riveron said, "We ordered the smuggler to stop the game and kill the game. It's not about advanced progress, have whistled. "

According to the NFL rule, Anderson's call was not revisable by instant replay.

The Browns were also running out of another controversial decision at the end of the match: Riveron's decision to reverse a key measure from the first try with a time remaining of 1:38 in the regulation.

Riveron did not mention it in Friday's video, but the league had previously supported the decision by stating that Riveron had determined that Browns running back Carlos Hyde should have been scored within one meter of the first try . According to the league, Riveron reconstructed the decision by examining the evidence from two different angles.

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