The NFL admits that Derek Carr was fired by the Browns in the fourth quarter of a 45-42 OT loss to the Raiders


BEREA, Ohio – The NFL admitted Tuesday that the Browns had forced Derek Carr to fumble in the fourth quarter of the Browns' 45-42 loss to the Raiders and that the match should not have been killed.

While there was 5:54 of regulation time and the Browns were up 35-34, Myles Garrett and Genard Avery merged to deny Carr and Larry Ogunjobi recovered.

But the referees whistled and decided that Carr had to stop to advance, depriving the Browns of the turnover that marked the crux of the match. Garrett and Avery always combined for a 3-yard sack, but did not get the score.

The Browns recovered the ball to their 35 goals after a grip interference just against the Raiders, and Nick Chubb scored on his 41-yard play for three shots later, thus increasing the Browns' lead to 42-34. .

"Watch the smuggler on this piece," said vice president of Al Riveron officials, around 2:38 in the weekly arbitrage video. "We decide that the smuggler is stopped to continue to progress and we kill the room.This is not a step forward.It is obviously a breakaway, we should not have whistled But because we decided to go ahead for this game, it is not revisable.

"This game could only be revised if it concerned the line to be won or the goal line, so once again, once the official decided to progress, the only way to play Help of a challenge or a booth test is to refer to the line to be won or the goal line. "

Earlier in the day, before the NFL sent out the video for Week 5, Garrett and Avery admitted that the fast whistle had baffled them.

"Throughout my life, I can not understand this call," Garrett said. "They canceled it when the ball was floating in Larry's hands, that's a bit of the game."

He said that he did not know that the game was dead.

"I just turned around and saw him running, then he finally got 10 yards on the field and they started whistling."

Avery agreed that it was a bag-fumble.

"It was," he says. "They're not going to give us anything, so we have to keep playing and doing what we can do, maybe they'll call us (someday)."

The official video did not show or mention the overthrow of Carlos Hyde's third conversion with a remaining time of 1:38 in the rules, which would have allowed the Browns to break the clock and celebrate a 42-34 win. first comeback has won a win since 2014. A league source told on Monday that a combination of angles proves that Hyde's elbow and wrist were under the front line.

"The angles certainly gave me a view and a perspective that it was small," Riveron told

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