The NFL admits to having missed the call on the Baker Mayfield slide


NFL admits Tampa Bay buccaneers' safety Jordan Whitehead should have been marked for either useless roughness for a shot at the head of a slippery player, or unsportsmanlike conduct for the use of his helmet to hit a player according to ESPN.

The excuses fall in the ear of a deaf person. Brown fans have heard more than enough excuses after the fact to worry about it.

Mayfield climbed for a 35-yard run on the 2nd and 26th of the Buccaneers' line of 41 buccaneers in the fourth quarter. The 15-yard penalty would have brought Cleveland closer to the end zone. However, they managed to get to the 1 meter line of Tampa Bay before failing to convert a fourth attempt. The game had originally been reported, but after a conversation, referee Shawn Hochuli chose to take the flag.

The explanation made it even more frustrating.

"The quarterback was still a runner and therefore has the right to be hit in the head.It had not started slipping yet," said Hochuli at that time.

The Browns lost in overtime 26-23 in a kicker placement Chandler Catanzaro.

Players and coaches spoke out against the missed call earlier this week.

"We put a lot of things on the protection of the quarterback.It does not seem like the Browns are getting a lot of calls.They can review and say that they can say that I am a runner, but I 39 I started my slide, contact with the helmet I felt it.But I got up and told the guy that he was going to have to hit me a lot harder when he wanted to m & # 39; "Affect," said Mayfield after the match.

L & # 39; s head coach Hue Jackson explained what he was told.

"They said that he was a runner, and what I know is that he should be protected once he started slipping in. He said," No, he was like any other normal runner running out ", but I thought he'd slipped and fell before that's what the guy told me he said he was not protected from it's different from what I know, "said Jackson.

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Wide receiver Jarvis Landry defended his quarterback by making comparisons around the league.

"Tom Brady gets this call. Aaron Rodgers gets this call. Any other quarterback receives this call. It's hard to beat a team and feel like playing against another team as well (the officials). This is a problem. That's really a problem, "said Landry via

Defensive end Emmanuel Ogbah had been reported earlier in the game for roughing the smuggler after slightly beating the quarterback Buccaneers Jameis Winston on the shoulder.

The Browns have been on the wrong side of some terrible calls this season. Los Angeles Chargers Russell Okung was not scored for a clear false start and the game was scored by a touchdown. Cleveland clearly forced a fumble against the Oakland Raiders but the referees declared the play dead.

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