The NFL cheerleader kneels at the national anthem: NPR


Military planes fly over Levi Stadium on Thursday during the national anthem. A cheerleader took a knee during the pre-game anthem and could be the first cheerleader of the NFL to do it.

Jeff Chiu / AP

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Jeff Chiu / AP

Military planes fly over Levi Stadium on Thursday during the national anthem. A cheerleader took a knee during the pre-game anthem and could be the first cheerleader of the NFL to do it.

Jeff Chiu / AP

A San Francisco 49ers cheerleader knelt Thursday night at the American national anthem just before a game against the Oakland Raiders. The woman was not identified and her decision to kneel echoed protests by players against racism and police brutality.

Footballer Colin Kaepernick started the protest when he knelt in a pre-game anthem in 2016. He is a former 49ers player.

Spectators photographed the kneeling cheerleader while the rest of his team held their pom-poms in unison during the stars and stripes.

NBC journalist Damian Trujillo also tweeted the cheerleader kneeling on one knee, hands on hips.

It may be the first time that an NFL cheerleader kneels during the anthem. Cheerleaders for university-level football teams have already knelt to protest. Last year, five members of the cheerleading team of Kennesaw State University in Georgia knelt during the national anthem. A local NBC affiliate reported that four of the five cheerleaders were not invited back to the team.

Kaepernick left the 49ers in 2016 and still has not signed up with another team. He sued the NFL for preventing him from playing professional football because of his activism.

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